
How To Visit To Hawaii

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Over spring break this year, I went to Hawaii. I’d been wanting to go to Hawaii for a long time. Hawaii is a very beautiful place. The culture is fascinating, and the scenery is just beyond words. Everywhere you turn, there’s a gorgeous view. It is what I imagine as pure paradise. It’s quite a contrast from the corn fields of Illinois. We went to the island of Oahu, and we stayed at Disney’s Aulani resort, due to my sister’s love of anything dealing with Disney. Throughout the trip, I viewed many beautiful mountains covered in greenery from top to bottom, felt the sand between my toes as I strolled along warm and sunny beaches, and admired the culture that is so fun, festive, and different from normal life here in Illinois. Even though Hawaii …show more content…

Then, my dad decided to do the whole tour package, and I was not happy about that. Let’s just say that I definitely didn’t hide it. I complained, “This is going to take forever! Ugh!” I gave my mom the what-kind-of-parent-are-you-for-making-me-do-this complaints. My skin was disgustingly covered with grease from sunscreen. Being fair-skinned, sunscreen was a necessity in Hawaii. There were tourists of all countries buzzing around, viewing the many historical items. Many words flew through the air in different languages. It was a busy spot. I felt disgusting, there were so many people, and I was not looking forward to touring everything at the site. Well, there was no turning back, so off we went to seven hours worth of torture.The first stop we made was at the U.S.S. Missouri. That is actually the battleship where the treaty was signed to end World War II. I got to stand right next to the spot where the table stood that the treaty was signed I was beginning to think that maybe the visit was not so terrible after all. I was able to see some really interesting pieces of history on that battleship. Following the stop at the U.S.S. Missouri,

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