I, like most every person in the universe have my very own set of worldviews. I believe they are different in some way or another to everyone else’s worldview. I consider my views to fall in the category of Christian worldviews, but I most certainly did learn more about them in reading the material in my text book as well as the article I chose for my week 2 article review assignment. I learned nothing that changed my world view, however I learned a lot that changed what I consider my view. I thought my worldview was the what my textbook would referred to as, “our story” (Sanford, Wilkens) 2009, p.18. My view begins with God creating the heaven and the earth and ended with Jesus ascending into heaven with a promise to return for me and
2 Part I According to (Merriam-Webster, n.d.), worldview is defined as a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint. This definition implies that the way an individual view the world may be due to a variety of factors such as their culture, ethnicity, and/or religion. For Christians, our worldview is shaped by the Holy Bible. Often, this book
I agree with the article when it talks about the importance of a Christian worldview. I think this article get the point of a Christian worldview in a diverse way, which is often largely neglected. I have heard from many people how important it is to view everything through the lens of God and the Bible, but they say this in a way that sounds afraid. It is almost like if they try to look at the world through other’s perspectives or let theirs be changed then they will be ruined. I do not agree with that mentality. Christianity is diverse. There are some beliefs that cannot be changed, the nature of Jesus and equally God and equally man is an example. But it is very easy to think that every little thing we believe is set in stone when we are in some very controlled
Buddhism is very different from the Christian worldview. The first question ask about the origin of Buddhism. The Buddhism faith could be viewed as being atheistic. According to Buddha life was never here to begin with so it is a waste of time to think of where we came from. Also Buddha says if God exists then it is irrelevant, impersonal, and agnostic. However, the Christians faith believes the opposite. Christians believe that life began when God created life. “In the beginning God created everything in the world. God has an image and created all of what we see today. (King James Version, Gen 1:1-31)
A Christian Worldview is one’s view on the world in Gods sight on how it should be. This is basically a different means of how a Christian might view the world compared to a non-Christian. Some may see a sinful world but may not think
Everyone has a Worldview. “A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group.” (1) Some have a Biblical Worldview. A Biblical Worldview is founded on the word of God. It is how a Christian views the world. Both belief systems are equally important to each individual, but there are differences in the way they view the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture.
One’s worldview, as the term implies, represents the, way one views the world and all that exists therein. In the case of the Christian, his/her worldview is shaped by the divinely inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God which serves as the lens or prism through which the Christian views the world and everything therein: and it is through this lens that those profound questions regarding human origins, identity, meaning/purpose, morality, and destiny are seen with a deeply satisfying clarity.
Worldviews vary from person to person and faith to faith, resulting in everyone seeing the world through their own assumptions and beliefs. Out of the many worldviews discussed in the text, Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, and in class three stood out to me for comparison. These three worldviews consist of Naturalism, Pantheism and Polytheism. Worldviews, although not always correct, are how people see the world and reflect on our expectations about life. Differences can be seen in beliefs such as if they believe in a spiritual world, a material world, or both. Worldview’s purposes are to explain the purpose of man and the world. All three worldviews attribute the problems in the world to different aspects based on their beliefs and have diverse notions of how to resolve the world problems. Although a few similarities can be found among these world views, there are multiple differences found.
A worldview is the way a person views and interprets the world around them. Life experiences and spiritual influences play a part in forming one’s worldview. A person’s worldview helps them to determine beliefs on creation, humanity, morals and what happens after death. According to Waddell, (2014) “Worldviews are also like lenses found in eyeglasses that serve as the means through which a person sees the world.” (para. 43) In this paper, the main components of the Christian worldview will be discussed, to include God, humanity, Jesus, restoration and analysis of Christian Faith as well as a reflection of my own beliefs.
Whether clearly defined or not, everyone holds a worldview. Through life, travel, study, and contemplation, I have sought to clarify and substantiate my worldview. When comparing my beliefs to various other worldviews, mine stands up as logical and rational. Most importantly, my Christian worldview can be applied to contemporary problems and even explain many of the world’s issues. Though the Christian worldview is one of the most criticized, it provides substantive answers instead of more philosophical questions. After all, a worldview is only worthwhile if one can explain and defend their beliefs.
After reading the fourth chapter heading of Consider, the first definition of worldview that came to my mind was “view of the world” just from a literary perspective. The co-authors defined worldview as “a framework a person brings to decision-making” (Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p.51).
Today’s society consists of many worldviews. Most people tend to pull beliefs from different religions, but often stick to one main worldview. A worldview to me is the gathering of beliefs that shape what we do on a daily basis and forms our overall view on life. When I look at my beliefs critically, I am able to see my worldview and see how it compares to different worldviews, but also how it compares mainly to the Christian Worldview.
The phrase “worldview” is a mental framework of all people and groups to interpret the nature of reality and the world we live in. It is philosophical, metaphysical or an ideological reality of the world we live in. The worldview is also used in understanding the law governing relationships among human beings, nature and the purpose of human life. They are attitudes and ideas about the world we live in and a thorough understanding of the systems of all the beliefs which hope will provide all the answers to the range of questions within ourselves as human beings. In most cases, worldviews are as a result of our human life experiences, and they subsequently shape as individuals in the approach we have to live. This paper
Before taking this course, I had no idea that I had a worldview. I know my worldview didn’t change, but my understanding of myself, others and what that means changed enormously. I learned something very useful and important about the way I perceive things and gain knowledge; I learned about things I didn’t know previously.
My worldviews can be inadequate at times, but I believe that everyone makes mistakes. Many people can say they believe one thing, but contradict themselves by acting out differently. For example, a lot of people get into relationships and believe they are in love with someone, but within a few moths they cannot stand the other person. Majority of the people I know will not admit that they jump around in worldviews. However, I am not afraid to say that some of my worldviews do not match up. Even though I grew up in a Christianity home environment, my views on the world are slightly different from the Christian Worldview. Sometimes I find myself second guessing what I believe, but I am still in the process of figuring out who I am and where I
I never thought learning about Worldviews would teach me so much about myself and everyone around me. I am also excited to start using the knowledge I also gained about my finances and resources I have. I am more than grateful that I had the opportunity to take this course. First and foremost, I have learned about my worldview and why I believe the things I do. The required class book Making Sense of Your World was very beneficial.