
How You Will Measure Your Life

Better Essays


July 2013

Cédric Chaumont International MBA 5

Governance and Sustainability - Paper


Based on article "How will you measure your life?" (Christensen, 2010), answer questions below. Paper description: 4-6 pages Development: Individual Delivery: Via International MBA student web site Deadline: July, 29th

Questions: 1. 2. 3. How can I be sure that I’ll be happy in my career? How can I be sure that my relationships with my spouse and my family become an enduring source of happiness? How can I be sure I’ll stay out of jail?

Cédric Chaumont_FT5


Governance and Sustainability - Paper


How can I be sure that I’ll be happy in my career?
According to Prof. …show more content…

First, I will fix myself some important guidelines about the way of running a company. Indeed, I would like to promote a positive work environment, where everyone's contributions, regardless of titles, are valued. This is one of the best ways to ensure success. Then, when it comes to leadership, I really embrace Max De Pree’s point of view , the former CEO of Herman Miller who said "Leaders polish all their facets equally, developing one's career alone will not be enough for has always seemed to me that crystals with many facets shine is not self-improvement, leadership is not a job it is a position. The people who work for you are not your people, you are theirs...polishing gifts begins by reflecting on how to design the ways in which you as a leader or a future leader will work intelligently towards your potential." Thereby, to become a multi-faceted leader you must deliberately set out to become the person you intend to be. You will find your purpose in life by help others get what they want. Finally, I think that when you find what you love doing and you practice it with passion, you are able to touch more people with your work and create much more value in the world. You inspire more people around you, and more people want to work with you. You also fulfill a higher purpose and have a life with deeper meaning. I know that sometimes it is difficult not to be influenced

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