
Human Physiology Lab

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Human Physiology Lab Special Senses Cutaneous Senses and Vision September 24/26, 2012 Our bodies are capable of sensing a wide spectrum of stimuli. We are consciously aware of some of the information our bodies perceive, but much of the information that is sensed is beyond our consciousness. Receptors responsible for perception of stimuli are found in many places: skin, eyes, ears, mouth, blood vessels, lungs, brain—frankly, every cell in the body has sensory receptors. These receptors are broadly classified as photoreceptors (sensitive to light), chemoreceptors (sensitive to chemicals), thermoreceptors (sensitive to warm or cold), mechanoreceptors (sensitive to stretch/pressure), and nociceptors (sensitive to damage). Sensory …show more content…

4. Explore the following areas and record the minimum distance on the data sheet: Lips Back of neck Index finger tip Calf Palm of hand Big Toe Wrist (palmar surface) Back Wrist (plantar surface) B. Tactile Localization 1. Have the subject close his/her eyes. 2. With the point of a pencil or pen, make a slight indentation on the lips. Remove the pencil and have the subject (with eyes still closed) indicate the point of stimulation with another pencil. Measure the error distance in mm. Repeat for the same stimulus point. Is there improvement with repetition? 3. Record the localization error for the following additional areas: Lips Back of neck Index finger tip Calf Palm of hand Big Toe Wrist (palmar surface) Back Wrist (plantar surface) Experiment 3. Adaptation and Negative After-Image in Temperature Receptors. HYPOTHESIZE whether the hands will perceive temperature correctly after adaptation to warm and cold water. 1. Fill one of the 1L beakers halfway with water at room temperature. Half fill a second beaker with water of about 40(C, and half fill a third beaker with ice water. 2. Place the left hand in cold water and the right hand in the warm water for about 2 minutes. 3. Quickly insert both hands into the room temperature water. 4. On the data sheet, record the sensations felt by each hand. Experiment 4.

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