Human Resource Planning and Development: Human resource development is a concept that has existed even before the 1980s and has played an important role in the success, growth, and development of organizations. The emergence of this concept can be attributed to the establishment of apprenticeship programs in the 18th Century (Werner & DeSimone, 2011, p.5). The significance of human resource development in today’s business environment is attributed to its role in organizational profitability. Human resource planning involves the use of business activities to forecast how management strategy changes will impact human resource needs in the future. On the contrary, human resource development activities help an organization to ensure its …show more content…
Factors or Issues Influencing Labor Demand at McDonalds: Generally, human resource management is the responsibility of professionals in the human resource department. The primary role of this department is to ensure that McDonalds hires and retains competent employees who help in the realization of business objectives. One of the major ways that such kind of employees are recruited and maintained in the corporation is through constant analysis of the labor market. Actually, McDonalds has market analysts who keep informed with events in the labor market and labor demands in different restaurants. These analysts keep up-to-date records of labor supply and demand to ensure the company’s operations are not affected by shortages of labor from outlets. The process of forecasting labor demands in an organization is usually more of an art than a science because of the need to provide informed estimates instead of absolute results (Nankervis, Compton & Baird, 2008, p.132). This is always a complicated process because of the ever-changing nature of the business environment where organizations operate. There are two approaches used to forecast labor demand in an organization i.e. quantitative and qualitative method. While quantitative or top-down approach involves the use of mathematical or statistical measures, qualitative
Contemporary globalization of businesses and growing global market competition has made effective human resource planning as one of the major strategies to forge ahead and remain proactive. It can be said that an organization 's success lies to a great extent to the knowledge, skills, creativity, and dedication of its workforce. Every aspect of an organization needs human capital to drive its activities or operations to achieve individual strategic goals and objectives towards its purpose of existence, growth, and competitive status. Companies can compete at all levels of the marketplace through improved commitment not only through creativity, innovation, and research, but also human resource development (Truong, Heijden, & Rowley, 2010). In this regard, the human resource planning is needed to ensure a systematic analysis of human resource needs so that the right quantity and quality of employees are always available when required. Fundamentally, organizations are looking for the best people that would help drive them to their desired destination of achieving their missions. Therefore, it is important to develop human resource strategies to support organizational strategies, through measures such as forecasting human resource requirements, and effective strategic staffing. Technically, an organization 's mission, goals, and objectives drive its strategy and human resource (HR) and staffing strategy in an interactive manner. The purpose of this
1. Define and explain the significance of the term ‘derived demand’ as it applies to Strategic Human Resources Planning. (5 marks)
“Strategic HR planning predicts the future HR management needs of the organization after analyzing the organization's current human resources, the external labor market and the future HR environment that the organization will be operating in” (HR Council, n.d.). Human resource planning directly ties in to an organization’s strategic development and implementation by calculating company trends, resources, design, previous works and future expansion and ensuring that the impending requirements are met. This paper will further examine the role of human resource development
There has been an agglomeration of controversy and questions about whether or not college athletes should be paid along with their scholarships. There are good arguments for both sides and so far, the college board of athletics has not changed their current view on the situation, which is that the athletes are students and do not work for the university, therefore, they should not be paid. The following are questions that must be asked before determining whether or not college athletes should be paid or not. Are the scholarships the athletes are giving considered their payment? If the athletes are paid, can the school only pay certain sports or players? Sports such as men’s basketball and football have the strongest case in getting paid because they bring in a good amount of money for the universities and the NCAA. Last, if colleges do pay the student athletes, should they overlook what the players use the money for? Many people believe
In Acts 7:22, it is said that “Moses was educated in all the learning of the Egyptians…”. Yet, it can be pointed out that Moses did not incorporate the pagan medical practices of the Egyptians (or of any other nation) into the Pentateuch. Instead, the Israelites were a unique nation, and were light years ahead of other civilizations of that time and even many years to follow in regard to their public health and personal hygiene knowledge. Here are a few examples of their health laws: Leviticus 11:9-12 – Could only eat fish those water animals that had fins and scales. Leviticus 13:11, 31 – Quarantine for leprosy.
The field of human resources (HR) plays a critical role in the performance and success of organizations. As organizations have become increasingly more complex, the effective management of HR has become even more important. The traditional perception of HR as only an administrative office is no longer valid. Instead, contemporary HR is directly involved with the internal organizational structure, business operations, and variety of functions carried out by employees on a daily basis (Reed & Bogardus, 2012). HR functions impact the organization’s strategic planning, improvement processes, and goal achievement. Six core bodies of knowledge provide the foundation for all of these HR functions. These areas are: strategic
Human Resources constitute as one of the most imperative components of any organization, be it small scale business or a large conglomerate. Some of the key functions of the Human
Human resources are the most valuable assets of any organization, with the machines, materials and even the money; nothing gets done without man-power. In today’s business climate, businesses are faced with stiff internal and external competition. There are various human resource functions that give an organization a competitive edge, but most scholars argue that human resource functions becomes only operational when training has run through them all. This places training and development as an essential function in the survival of any organization. Increasingly, high performance organizations today are recognizing the need to use best training and development practices to enhance their competitive advantage.
Human resource management is part of the human resource approach, which is evidently geared to allow organizations to benefit in two significant ways: increasing in the organization’s effectiveness and satisfying all of the employee’s needs. Organizational goals and
Today 's fast-paced, competitive business environment has resulted in "rediscovery" of the human resource management function as a group that may be able to enhance firm competitiveness and performance by being "strategic" (Dyer & Kochan, 1995; Ulrich, 1997). Strategic Human Resource Management is a term describing an integrated approach to the development of Human Resource Strategy that will enable the organization to achieve its goals (Armstrong, 2005). Whiles strategy is an action that managers take to attain one or more of the organization’s goals. Strategy presents a general direction set for the company and its various components to achieve a desired state in the future. This results from the detailed
It is necessary for human resource management to have a proper human resource planning. “Human resource planning involves planning that assure a firm’s needs for employees”, says Madura. She also includes that human resource planning consists of three tasks which are forecasting staffing needs, job analysis (Madura, 2007). Recruiting and selecting the right employee is not enough. There is a necessity to provide continuous training and development to the employees to be more productive and efficient. With great training, it enables the employees to be more innovative, creative, motivated and thus increase their working performance. Training can be through various types such as on the job training, off the job training, job rotation and scholarships.
Analysis of Human Resource Management The report starts with the introduction to Human Resource Management (HRM) and the role it has to play within an organisation followed by brief introduction of the chosen organisation for the discussion-McDonald’s Restaurants Ltd. Also, it gives the reasons why this organisation has been chosen. The report presents the key strategic issues and corporate strategy of McDonald’s.
There are several important reasons of human resource planning that business organisation carry out regardless their size and it is important for the continuity of any business organisation to plan. However, in many business owners may not include human resource planning at the beginning of their business but later realise the importance of human capital and no business can survive without having competitive human capital.
Human Resource Management involves a wide array of functions that encompasses the time from when an employee enters an organization to the time the employee leaves the organization. The specific activities that are involved in HRM include job design and analysis, recruitment, orientation and placement, development and training of the personnel, employee remuneration, and performance appraisal (Aswathappa, 2007: 5). This paper shall focus on three main activities which are recruitment, training, and personnel development. When it comes to recruitment, it is incumbent upon the Human Resource Manager to bring into the workforce, employees that are both wiling and competent to accomplish specific tasks. The work of recruitment goes hand in
The wilderness is vast, unforgiving, and beauteous; those who visit it unprepared find thorns instead of roses, but even as tough as a trip into the wild is, the pros can be worth the cons. Many venture into camping with no wary thoughts about the dangers it brings; the wildlife, environment, weather, and location can instantaneously alter your seemingly perfect trip. Surprisingly, these problems can be avoided, but only through careful planning. Planning a camping trip revolves around: climate, location, and environment. For example, I would like to discuss three different places you can camp: Arizona, Colorado, and Alaska.