
Human Resources Department And The Relocation Process

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Introduction Of all possible internal changes in an organization, few are less catastrophic in business, then an organization having to shut down its office or center at a place and relocate to another. This is true for all stakeholders, but it is the employees who are the most adversely effected by the change. Consequently, the most relevant department is also the Human Resources Department and it is responsible to make the relocation process attractive to the employees and to help them to get their lives in order in the new place at the earliest. Further, there will always be some employees, high and low performers alike, who will not be able to relocate because of family and social obligations. These employees are likely to feel very …show more content…

A communication process is a set of communication action aimed towards and designed to achieve a satisfactory outcome. For the amicable implementation of change, Lewis mentions three communication processes which, in his opinion, are the key to successful organizational change. Lewis mentions these three communication processes as information dissemination; soliciting input; and socialization. (2011, p. 60) Information dissemination plays a prime role in reducing uncertainty related to employee worries, at the post organizational change stage. The information dissemination stage is also the proper time to communicate to the employees that they are supposed to keep their performance levels the same, and the disruption levels also need to be as less as possible. The next process, which is “soliciting information feedback” is a testimony to the leadership quality of the HR director and also gives the employees a sense of empowerment. This third communication Lewis terms ‘socialization’ which is defined as “another communicating process which also does its bit towards retaining and enhancing employee motivation in the course of the organizational change.” He further says “Socialization concerns how organizations shape the understandings its members have to the values, priorities, procedures, job tasks,

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