
Hunger In Honduras

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In many countries, people lie awake at night with empty stomachs due to hunger. Most of these countries are the poorest in the world. In order to stop hunger countries, like Honduras, organizations must work together. The U.S. Bureau of Food Security should partner with Feed the Future to help farmers grow crops and help the rural areas improve in Honduras.
Roberto Martinez’s “Honduras Current Issues and What the World Food Programme is Doing” says Honduras has 75% of 7.5 million people living in poverty, making them, “the third poorest country in Latin America and the Caribbean” (2-3). But the occurrence of poverty in Honduras decreased from 74.8% in 1991 to 65.9% in 1999 according to Patricia Bonnard and Sondra Remancus’ “Food Security …show more content…

4). According to Bonnard and Remancus, there has been a significance in improving child malnutrition in the past decade, but in western part of Honduras stunting is still a problem(14). “The lack of basic services exacerbates poor health and sanitation,” results in having 40% of children stunting as stated by “Security” (para. 2). Stunting decreasing to 25% or lower and paces of underweight children, Honduras has a growing rate of overweight women and children (“Nutrition” 1). Although in the last decade having an increase of urban slums, 75% of poor people live in rural areas (“Agriculture” para. …show more content…

Feed the Future (FTF), formed by the United States Government, focuses on increasing income by interventions in certain chains of food that help Honduras’ income, as stated by the article “Honduras: Nutrition Profile”(3). The article “Global” says that FTF has a goal to enlarge progress toward the United Nation's Millennium Development Goal of bisect the families in poverty and hunger by 2015 (5). According to “Honduras,” another goal of the FTF is to increase food security, nutrition, and farming (para. 6). FTF provides nutrition education like breastfeeding practices and how to enhance diets. The stunting of growth is high, so “[FTF] is helping families reduce diarrheal and respiratory diseases (para.

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