
Hydrogen Peroxide Lab Report

Decent Essays

Testing the Effects of Temperature on the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide with the Enzyme Catalase

Purpose Question and Background Information:

What are the effects of different temperatures on the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide with the Enzyme Catalase. Different enzymes work best at different optimal temperatures, and with this experiment we hope to discover which temperatures are unideal for Catalase. The substrate is H2O2 which binds to the active site of the enzyme Catalase. The reaction in question is as written below:

Hydrogen Peroxide + Catalase -> Water + Oxygen
(Catalase is not consumed in the reaction)

This question is important to understand because Catalase plays a vital role in the sustenance of cells and tissues …show more content…

5) Check the temperature of each test tube periodically to ensure it doesn’t exceed the required temperature.
6) When a test tube reaches its labelled temperature, remove it from the water bath.
7) Add 2 drops of soap to the removed test tube, and place it in the test tube holder.
8) Add 5ml of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to the test tube and start a stopwatch.
9) Record the height of the bubbles in a table every minute until the stopwatch reaches 5 minutes.
10) Repeat steps 6-9 as for every test tube as it reaches its desired temperature.
11) Empty and clean the test tubes and repeat steps 2-10 again for a second dataset.

Average Bubble Height During the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide with Catalase over 5 Minutes

1 Minute 2 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes 5 Minutes
Tube 1
(20⁰ C) Average:
1.4 cm Average:
2.1 cm Average:
3.0 cm Average:
4.7 cm Average:
5.5 cm
Tube 2
(37⁰ C) Average:
1.4 cm Average:
2.5 cm Average:
3.4 cm Average:
4.1 cm Average:
4.5 cm
Tube 3
(50⁰ C) Average:
0.5 cm Average:
0.7 cm Average:
1.5 cm Average:
1.5 cm Average:
1.7 cm
Tube 4
(60⁰ C) Average:
0.5 cm Average:
0.5 cm Average:
0.5 cm Average:
0.5 cm Average:
0.5 cm

See Graphs Attached
Analysis and Conclusions:

The Hypothesis was proven partially correct by the experiment. As the hypothesis stated, when the temperature was increased, the efficiency of the catalysed reaction decreased. This was due to the denaturing of the active site of the protein. However,

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