
I Don 't Consider Myself A Good Writer

Better Essays

I don 't consider myself a good writer. I recognize that my academic writing is fine for the most part, but I cannot call myself a writer at all until I can improve my creative writing-- particularly my poetry. I absolutely refuse, and paradoxically, I doubt that I will ever be truly satisfied with my creative writing skills-- particularly in my poetry. Going into this course, I had never taken a creative writing course and all of my english or language courses in high school focused if not on literature than on academic writing. Which certainly explains my skills and my identity as a writer. I was confident in my ability to write the five paragraph structured paper, research papers, lab reports, and quite a few other styles and types of …show more content…

Once I had been given an open environment for discussion outside the literary in my WRD 103 and experiment, I was finally able to really expand as a writer. Starting the course with readings and taking apart arguments rhetorically has really helped my understanding of rhetoric and given me much better tools for writing rhetorically myself and thinking critically. I had thought these were tools that I had previously, but really their quality reflected the quality of the class I took previously-- mediocre. (Well maybe not critical thinking. I developed that at a young age.) Expanding on those tools with my writing of course helped, but it was the amount and frequency in which we had written that allowed me to work on assess my attributes. As I said, I do not consider myself a writer because I have yet to tackle poetry and this has made it difficult for me to really read my own writing. I knew that in academic writing there clearly needs to be creativity. Yet I had not considered any of my previous writings to be creative. My WRD 103 has instead made me start thinking about all writing creatively and made me consider how to execute my writing in the most accessible, appealing, and effective way--the same way I approach my designs, drawings, and performances. This also made me realize that I approach other artistic expressions rhetorically. This new found experience of creativity in writing also extends to

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