
I Found That My Personality Type

Satisfactory Essays

Getting in touch with your inner personality type can be a very beneficial tool to anyone. After participating in the Jung Typology test, I found that my personality type was ENTJ. After some extensive research into this personality type I found that were a lot of advantages of this personality especially in my line of work but there are also many things I can work on to make myself a better person both in my professional and personal life. One of the interesting things that I noticed with my personality test in particular was that I did not show any real distinct qualities in the four categories, meaning, I had relatively low percentages for most of them. I was a moderate extravert with slight partiality to intuition, thinking and …show more content…

Step 1 Extravert – 44% I think the personality test was spot on in describing me as a pretty moderate extravert. Even though I do enjoy my alone time here and there, I do spend most of my time around other people and that’s how I like it. In my day-to-day job as an instructor pilot, this quality really helps me because I am able to talk easily with my students and teach them the necessary things for them to succeed. I think probably the biggest downfall of my being an extravert is in my personal life. My girlfriend actually teases me that I have problems being alone. I would much rather do things with someone else than on my own. Even simple things like grocery shopping or working out, I would rather have a friend to converse with than do alone. This is right in line with the results of my personality test which said “ENTJ’s love to interact with people. As Extroverts, they’re energized and stimulated primarily externally.” (Personality Page) I’ve noticed sometimes that being alone can actually really bother me. I tend to let my mind wander when I am alone with my thoughts and can sometimes even get anxious about certain things. This is one of the things that I really need to work on. iNtuitive – 12% This was the one section of the test that I did not agree with very much. The Meyers & Briggs Foundation describes an intuitive person as someone who pays more attention to impressions and patterns in information

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