I have always enjoyed taking personality tests. From reading my horoscope to looking up facts about my learning style, I have a great deal of fun learning more about myself. After taking the Myers-Briggs test, and examining the Social Penetration Theory and Pillow Method, I have begun to see a more accurate, as well as academic, concept of my personality. To begin, my Myers-Briggs personality type has changed over time. Last May, I took this test and found I was an INFJ personality type; this time, my results showed ESFJ. The difference in my results are balanced, as I am 9% Extroverted, 6% Sensing, 50% Feeling, and 19% Judging. The first two criterions that changed are low percentages, meaning that I show a slight preference for extroversion over introversion, and sensing perception over intuition. Over the past year, I have noticed myself becoming more extroverted. Since I frequently surround myself with people who understand, love, and support me, it is easy to be myself, and not worry of what others think of me. My comfort around my friends, as well as my growth in self-confidence and self-awareness, has influenced my ability to gain and express my energy from others, rather than internally. Also, these results show a modest preference for the sensing perception, meaning I am well balanced at processing information from my personal understanding of the situation, as well as the facts from outside perspectives. However, the criterions that have stayed the same are my
Who are you? Many fortune cookies, horoscopes, and other whimsical devices attempt to tell us our personalities, or our combination of traits and behaviors that make up who we are. However, psychologists today deviate from those unsubstantiated methods and have concocted various personality tests that give us a better understanding of who we are. One such test is called the Myers-Briggs personality test. Based on theories by Carl Jung, but primarily created by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Cook Briggs, the test gives people a standardized survey of questions to answer. Standardized, meaning the test is given and scored in the exact same way every time to give unbiased and accurate results. It scores people in four pairs of characteristics, so there is a total of 16 possible personality types. Each pair of characteristics are opposites and a person can fall anywhere between the extreme end of one opposite to the extreme end of the other. The pairs are extroverted and introverted, sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, finally judging and perceiving. A person can have strong, moderate or weak tendencies towards a preference. (Rathus, 2010, p. 420) There is some criticism of the Myers-Briggs test however, not everyone fits into the categories. People may answer according to socially acceptable norms instead of their honest answers. Not all of the theories were proven, Carl Jung made many observations and deductions but they weren’t formally
During the power point on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, as the instructor went through the different types of personalities, I was able to recognize which subcategories I fall into almost instantly. When my computer personality test results were returned, I was correct. As I read the type descriptions of Extroversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging- ENFJ- I quickly recognized myself within the descriptive words.
After taking the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test my personality type is Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging (ENFJ). People with ENFJ personalities are charismatic and passionate. Many have tremendous power to manipulate others by using their remarkable personal skills and exceptional salesmanship. They believe in their dreams and view themselves as helpers and enablers. They are global learners and they could see big picture. Many ENFJ people have incredible entrepreneurial ability.
the only area which I felt were not accuract to my personality were the career list it gave me. It gave me a lot of jobs that insist on mathematically reasoning, which is not a strong point of mines. Other than this I was surprised at the test’s accuracy.
C.G. Jung established the concept of “typewatching” when he suggested that human behavior was not random. He in fact believed behavior to be predictable and classifiable (Kroeger et al, 2002, p. 6). Bridging from his research, The Myers-Briggs Personality Test was then developed during World War 2 in order to study and understand the differences of people as they relate to their personalities (Hanley, 2007). Using the Jung Typology Test, it was determined that I have an “ESFP” personality type. This represents four attributes and their percentages: extravert (94%), sensing (3%), feeling (38%), and perceiving (6%).
I took the actual Myers Briggs Paper two years ago, labeled as a ENFP. Over the course of time I haven't changed that much. I have became more extroverted than before. On the previous test, I barely made it over the scale to be extroverted. On this test, I scored 40% or higher extroverted. I actually think I am an ambivert. I have many key characteristics of both sides. I really don't think that this test asked as much in depth questions as needed to determine the factor. Also, I changed from Perceiving to more Judging. This change really isn't much because I only had 1% Judging meaning I use both sides quite often. Although I didn't believe the type to be true, when looking at the description of my type I knew that it
For the Myers Briggs personality test I am an ISTP when I am stress and when I am at my best. I was surprised with these results due to the fact that my freshman year in the Harold Leadership Academy I was required to take the Myers Briggs assessment and scored the letters INFJ. I find myself leaning more towards INFJ because the test was at least seventy-five questions. When reading the definitions of ISTP and INFJ I find that I would agree with my personality having a little bit of both. The Myers Briggs Foundation states that INFJ individuals are insightful about others, seek to understand what motivates others, committed to their values, desire to sever the common good, organized, decisive, and seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. An example of how I am an INFJ is that I have chosen a healthcare career that is holistic and identifies what motivates others. I tend to over think situations, conversations, and how I reacted to them. I truly care about the people in my life and I know I pay attention to others especially in class and if they look down I typically ask how they are doing, which allows for them to open up if they wish but also it is how I acknowledge that I see them and care. The Myers Briggs Foundation states that ISTP individuals are tolerant, flexible, quiet observers, analyze what makes things work, organize facts using logical principles and attentive to cause and effect. I would firmly agree with the quiet
I recently took a similar test through my employment to help give our director a better idea of the type of employees she had working in her department and how to use each one of skills set to best of the company. I was expecting to get the similar results however I did not get similar results. Different results from different test can be caused by participant error due to overall mood when taking the test. I know that during my coursework my thought patterns have changed which was reflected in the different results of the test. People are complex beings who can change at will or not change depending on how they approach a situations. With therapy people can change how they react to situations. I think that personality test are important because they give insight into a person and crate a place to discuss the finding.
The Jung Typology Personality Test results (Appendix A) show that I am an ESFJ with 1% Extravert, 1% sensing, 22% feeling and 44% judging. My test
Knowing your Myers Briggs type indicators can be very beneficial as a leader in an organization. This will mark the third time in my career I have done this test, the first two were in Navy leadership schools. I have always found these tests beneficial in helping me deal with subordinates and peers alike. According to (Jung, N.D.) I am an ESTJ, this is not a surprise as I have been that before twice. What did surprise me is that I am now older and with a 6 year gap since my last test I am less of an ESTJ now. So in the next few pages I will discuss each portion, extravert, sensing, thinking, and judging and then apply that to my Overall type. Let’s begin with an overview of the ESTJ.
Personality testing has been used throughout history to measure how a person will respond, perform, or integrate in certain situations and incidents. Companies around the world use some type of personality assessment to either promote or hire individuals within their organization. The military uses a personality test called Tailored Adaptive Personality Assessment System (TAPAS) to measure how well a civilian will fit in prior to becoming a solider (Vergun, 2015). Dating websites use personality tests to see if certain individuals will be a good match for
I took the Personality Test and my result was ISFJ. Introverted; this means that I draw energy from being alone. Being around people isn't the thing that makes me tick. I need to be alone or with a couple of good friends most of the time. Sensing; this means that I am action-oriented. I am more in the moment and focused on the here and now. Feeling; this means that I look at situations subjectively and I listen more to my heart. Judging; this means that I am organized, decisive and that I am firm in your beliefs. I take more time making decisions and once I do, I stay true to it. What surprised me the most is being a judger. I am incredibly indecisive and unorganized. I have a hard time making up my mind. I am never sure of what I want and it is like I need someone to help me decide on things all the time.
Though most people want to believe they are individuals that unique, it has been proven in this class as well as my previous classes that is not true. I am just surprised how these test show how our personalities can be as few as four traits or as many as 4,000. My problem with these test are that individuals can easy to control the outcome. So to me they are not as accurate some test because the person taking it can change the outcome for their advantage. I took the Big Five Personality Test twice as myself and was able to make the test results be whatever I wanted them to be. Definitely being able to use the tests as a tool can be a helpful resource, but I believe they can only be used as a starting point. These test are all easy to take the longest one took me about 45 minutes and that was the SAPA project but the Big Five Personality Test only took about 15 minutes. I feel that the two test that I took showed my characters personality almost perfect. I also took the same two tests just for fun as Dr. Watson and they also came extremely accurate. What was amazing to me was how the two characters personalities seem so different and it made me wonder how they work so well together, but when I took the test many of their personality traits were within points. I definitely see how these test could be helpful in determining someone’s personality, but relieved that they are never taken as fact on their
While being here at Mid-America Christian University and taking classes I have had the pleasure of taking this test more than once and each time my personality seems to have changed. The type of personality which was generated from this Jung Typology personality test identified me as being and ISFJ. It showed that I am an ISFJ Introvert (22%) Sensing (3%) Feeling (9%) Judging (56%). This assessment in looking at the results is a fairly accurate assessment of my personality. The personality type which is most consistence with my perception of myself would be that of being an “Introvert” which showed a 22%.
Have I ever took a personality test that answer will be no I have not taking one but will like to take one to learn more about what type characteristic shape my personality. I would expect the personality test to show my caring ability, motivation levels and strength ability. Also I would like to test tell me about my social skills as a child I did not have good social skills now as a adult I have better social skills do to self confidence that I lack as a child. My personality has grown since I was a child. A personality test will open many doors to my colorful mind.