
Icarus : The Architecture And Underlying Theory Of Cognition

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Icarus as well as SOAR and ACT-R are based on production systems which is a uniting feature most full cognitive architecture. The architecture and underlying theory of cognition for ICARUS is based on Langley et al. [1991]; Choi et al. [2004] and is aimed to create a unified theory of cognition [Newell, 1994]. Instead of using chunks or operators, ICARUS uses concepts and skills to drive their system and the controlled cognitive agent. The system provides short and long-term memory, as well as a learning mechanisms for new skills and concepts. Concepts on the one side describe environmental situations by either referencing other concepts or by taking perceptual information acquired by the system in account. Skills on the other side specify how to achieve goals set by the system. They can be achieved by decomposing them into sub-goals until primitive actions are reached within the goal hierarchy. ICARUS uses hierarchies for concepts and skills to create complex behaviour. Both skills and concepts work hand in hand to approach cognitive tasks splitting knowledge similar to SOAR and ACT-R into declarative and procedural knowledge.

The system operates within an environment by interpreting perceptual informa- tion and storing those interpretations as descriptions in the short-term memory. The descriptions represent beliefs about said environment. Figure 2-22 illustrates an in- terpretation of the ICARUS architecture based on Langley et al. [1991]; Choi et al.
[2004]. ICARUS can

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