
Identities Are A Major Section Of The Contemporary Graphic Industry

Decent Essays

Identities are a major section of the contemporary graphic industry; no matter how big or small a project may be, a successful design outcome is likely to involve at least some aspects of an identity. This is most frequently through the production of a design piece in a way that creates a visual coherence, be that through the use of a certain structure, typeface, colour or any other consistency.
However quite obviously the most frequently related sector of design to the creation of such identities is branding. Since as far back as the 1930’s the idea of making all a company’s communications visually coherent has been practised to allow their consumers to recognise them easier and faster. Then consequently if the consumer finds the …show more content…

After this the advancement in mobile technology amplified the Internet 's effect on the expansion of a brand as consumers were empowered with all round access to the Internet through their devices. As well as the creation of mobile applications, again opening a new avenue of design for the creation of the interfaces of these products. Alongside both of these has been the rise of social media, which has become another major advance that has affected the way identities work and created new opportunities.
All of these aforementioned technological improvements have combined to drastically alter the creation of an identity and have required a new form of design process that no longer has a start and a finish but is a forever continuing cycle of iterations.

Prior to the digital era and the creation of the Internet the majority of graphic design based projects would have been produced for printed formats. Looking specifically at the period post war there began to be a shift in the way advertising design was approached which subsequently affected brand identities. Taking influence from ideas of the modernism movement designers began to scrap the handwritten and script tendencies used in advertising of the 1950’s and instead looked towards simplifying a design or identity with the use of a sans serif type family. Chermayett & Geismers rebrand of Mobil is an example typical of this and when comparing the 1964 rebrand to its predecessors it is clear that the

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