
Images And Images For The Gower Birds Hospital

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Firstly, we must use copyright free pictures in our design (Hand and Middleditch, 2013:280).
Next, according to Hand and Middleditch (2013:194), imagery is an significent element in modern media. Media productions need to rely on video and still images to attract their audience’s attention. As for the Gower Birds Hospital, the images and visuals still have some imperfections and need to make changes immediately in order to make customers easier to understand and remember the home page. Hand and Middleditch ( 2013:201) hold the point that most people pay more attention on images than words. There are too many old pictures in the GBH’s graphic design, therefore, we need to add new pictures in new design. The previous text will be …show more content…

The existing color of Gower Bird Hospital is green which show the central theme of Gower Bird Hospita, protecting environment and the harmony between human and nature. Green is a very down-to-earth color which represent new beginnings and growth. It also represent renewal and abundance. Brighter greens are more energizing and vibrant, while olive greens are more representative of the natural world (Chapman, 2010). Therefore, the olive green will be the main colour of most design. Light blues are often relaxed and calming while bright blues can be energizing and refreshing. Dark blues can be used in corporate sites or designs where strength and reliability are significant (Chapman, 2010). Therefore, blue also will be used in website design, which can match the theme of Hospital. What’s more, according to the Complementary color scheme, the high contrast of complementary colors can give audiences a vibrant look (Tigercolor, 2014). Red and green are complementary colors. In design, red can be a great color to use when power or passion want to be expressed in the design (Chapman, 2010). Therefore, red can be used in some important part of our visual design which can draw more attention.
In addition, the colour model in digital media is different from printing. All of those digital media need to use RGB mode in the design process while the design of newsletter need to use CMYK mode (Cohen, 2009:73-75).
Olins (1995:11) hold the point

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