
Imc Portfolio Essay

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic | Page | Decision Making Area 1:Determining the role of IMC Tools * Table of Articles * Summary of Articles * Observations * Conclusion | 3 | Decision Making Area 2:Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for the IMC Program * Table of Articles * Summary of Articles * Observations * Conclusion | 8 | Decision Making Area 3:Investment Decisions * Table of Articles * Summary of Articles * Observations * Conclusion | 12 | Decision Making Area 4:Message Strategy Decisions * Table of Articles * Summary of Articles * Observations * Conclusion | 16 | Decision Making Area 5:Measuring the effects of IMC * Table of Articles * Summary of Articles * Observations * Conclusion | …show more content…

| Opportunities | The biggest opportunity for marketers is the emergence of new media, such as Facebook and Twitter, and the increased screen space they can capture with the current dual screeners. Marketers are only beginning to understand that the data generated from these sources can be used to the effect of the brand in many ways. They are beginning to apply this knowledge to their IMC strategies to integrate usage of IMC tools – both existing and new – as seamlessly as possible. | Adherences/deviations from IMC concepts and principles | Adherence: Marketers are integrating new media with the traditional IMC tools to help understand the consumers and how they wish to interact with the brandDeviations: The tools must be understood and tested to prove that they are being used effectively to create the brands that consumers want, and not brands that the clients wish the consumers to want | Trends & future ramifications/ Likely outcomes & affects | The articles show that there is a wider acceptance and adoption of new media over traditional media because the world is becoming more digital by the day. Though there is still the existence of traditional IMC tools, the way marketers choose to communicate with consumers is leaning towards digital, and they are more welcoming to this change. | Impact on industry/brand | The use of more data mining and data scientists will help narrow down the audience to a quite specific degree, thus ensuring less

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