
Immigration And The United States

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Immigration always has been a controversial topic in the United States. For the most part in politics, immigration seems to be a major problem rather than a solution to the country’s troubles. However, people from all over the world with different cultures and traditions migrate to the United States seeking greater opportunities to succeed. It is not always the case in which illegal immigrants are treated fairly in America. Undocumented immigrants should be recognized of their economic contributions to this country, therefore they should be eligible for public benefits, such as advancing the rights for a high education, health care coverage, and a legal status.
With this being noted, immigrants do not intend to remain in a welfare state as an excuse for not working, but rather work even harder to be part of a society of opportunity and rights. More than any other nation in the world, America has become a home for immigrants in search for a better life. There are many positive reasons why immigrants choose to come to America. Most of which are to pursue the American Dream of success or to support their families economically by being hard working people in the United States. As mentioned in the Journal of Legal Medicine, “ America is perceived as “ a shining beacon of hope, a promised land accepting and recruiting new residents to build the nation and its economy” (Gilcrist 403). Immigrants tend to find greater opportunities and promises. However, it has become a struggle to

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