
Impact Of General Aviation On Capacity At Sea Tac

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Having thoroughly reviewed the history, value, financial performance, marking, and asset structure of Alaska Airlines, we will now take a slight step back from directly reviewing the selected airline to assess the viability of the main hub airport for Alaska Airlines, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA-TAC). As such, we will review the current market demand, historical growth, forecasted growth predictions, as well as airfield capacities in current state and future development plans including the impacts associated with NextGen Technologies. Furthermore, we will review the impact of general aviation on capacity at SEA-TAC.
Regarding aviation demand as a historical and predicted growth measure at SEA-TAC, there has been a significant departure from the predicted rates in the previous two years. More specifically, using enplanements as a measure of comparative growth for predictive models, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) forecasted average growth of 2.55% annually over the period of 2014 to 2040 (Terminal area forecast summary). Astonishingly, SEA-TAC saw an unprecedented growth of 7.7% in 2014 and an even more dramatic growth of 12.9% in 2015 which included a 14.6% increase in international traveler enplanement (News release: Sea-tac airport growth). Comparatively, representing these numbers as total annual passengers indicate 37 million passengers in 2014, 42.3 million in 2015 and an anticipated growth to 66 million by 2034, or a further 56% growth over

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