4. Not allow any student under the age of 11 years to leave the bus at the point of arrival until confirming the presence of his guardian or his representative to receive him and inform the school in the absence of his presence in order to pave the way for returning him to school after handing over the rest of the students to their destinations.
5. Control any misconduct from students, ensure their safety during the journey and inform the School Transportation Coordinator of any incident.
6. Ensure that the entrances, exits and passages of the bus, including the emergency exit, are free from any obstructions during the journey.
7. Escort students when they have to cross the road.
8. Assistance in evacuating the bus in case of emergency.
9. Be sure to follow up the instructions of the manufacturers for buses seats concerned for transporting nurseries children under the age of four years.
10. Do not eat, drink or use the phone while students are within the bus.
11. Maintain its overall appearance and commitment to wear uniforms during service delivery.
12. To present the license of practicing the profession to authorized inspectors upon request.
Article (13)
Responsibilities of the Parents
The Parents shall sign a pledge that includes the following commitments:
1. Receive their children under the age of 11 years on the dates specified through them or through their representative.
2. Provide the school with the necessary data to communicate with them and call them
Any exit where students leave the building or congregate before or after school should be supervised by a school official.
A guideline to all staff on how pupil’s behaviour should be managed. It is important that this policy is constantly being applied to ensure full safety of the pupils; this is why all staff must be familiar with this policy.
Children need the opportunity for physical play and rest, adequate space for children to learn through play whether it’s from simple car play to running around. All children need a form of rest from sleeping to simple story time, correct sleeping equipment for their age: babies to young toddlers have a cot/travel cot; toddlers have mobile mattress or bed depending on the setting with their own bedding.
The aim of the organization (red hut day nursery) was to carry out high standards of care from children age from 3 months to 5 yrs old. Whilst following the curriculum guidelines of early years foundation. The role of the organization was to care for children within their responsibilities whilst the Childs parents or carer has left them in the organization care. Policies such as ensure every child is treated fairly and equally depending on that Childs needs in order for their needs to be meet , was expected of all staff members to conduct themselves in such away . the role of each staff member was to ensure that
Schools are required to have policies and procedures as they safe guard the staff and pupils and
Describe why schools have policies and procedures and Identify the policies and procedures schools may have relating to:
Numerous studies have been conducted to determine if teachers should be in possession of a firearm while on school properties and if this will decrease the number and magnitude of school shootings. Many scholars believe equipping teachers with firearms will be costly and end up unnecessarily endangering more students, but many scholars claim that a teacher should be the last line of defense against a school shooter. The question this paper hopes to answer is how can equipping teachers who teach grades K-12 help to prevent school shootings in the United States. This paper will attempt to answer that question by examining the perspectives of school administration and law enforcement, the impact on student’s safety and education, the
These are the reason why schools should let the students should be able to leave campus for lunch. The school gives, then after a couple months they take all the special privileges away that they gave. Students should be able to handle an hour break to go get lunch with friends, or even go home for lunch. In high school many students have their license, and most of them don’t like the food that’s being served. There could be problems that occur with students leaving, but all problems have a solution, this essay explain why this would be great for high school students to be able to leave campus for lunch.
The bus was due to leave at 9am. As soon as the children arrived at 8.30am and ushered into the class, they were settled down and the register was taken, ensuring all the children that were going on the trip were present. Before departing, we ensured all the children had their coats, that they had their packed lunch in a carrier bag and that it was labelled with their name. We also asked the children if they needed to go to the toilet so
You hear almost every day another school goes into lock down or some crazy lunatic takes a gun to school its every tragic to hear of students and teachers getting shot. You hear of parents so afraid to send their child to school or not knowing when they drop their son or daughter off it will be there last. What if we can take preventive measures to help prevent a troubled individual or make them think twice about taking a gun to school? There are many things that schools can do to secure the students inside and are being implemented, but who are the students always around? And who sees the students more than anyone else? The teachers and I believe we can do the most good by arming them with guns after the proper training and
When you see so many incidents lately on the news regarding the students riding the bus, the lack of supervision, and sometimes the harmful acts being done to other students; you wonder why these things are happening. Or perhaps there was an accident involving a bus where a student was severely hurt. I am for seatbelts being on school buses for the simple fact that anything could happen on a bus even an accident and the students should be safe. The issue of seatbelts on a bus is not a huge controversial issue compared to other issues such as whether or not English should be the official language or abortion, but it is an important issue to be discussed and made a decision on.
I plan to establish discipline by warning those students who misbehave at first giving them two chances to act appropriately. If a student still misbehaves, I will cut their privilege to go outside down by five or ten minutes according to the severity of their inappropriate behavior. If a child still misbehaves, I will take the issue to
In this day and age where school administrators consider backpacks, lockers, and baggy pants to be potential dangers to students and faculty, what will be next? Perhaps pencils, pens, scissors, and glue will be added to the list of items to ban from schools. These, along with other hazardous educational necessities pose real threats to maintaining an orderly school and should be prohibited.