
Impossible Run Research Paper

Decent Essays

Impossible Run

The day before Christmas in 2012 was one of the most exciting and anxiety filled days of my life. First of all, it was the day before Christmas,so as a kid I was naturally excited, second is because it was the day I ran my first 5K. A few weeks before Christmas, my parents had signed my family up for a 5K. If you didn’t know a 5k, or an “impossible task for a fourth grader”, is a 3.2 mile run. My Mom said it would be a fun challenge that would make me so much stronger. Of course that was before she told me and my sister how far we’d be running. As soon as I heard it, it instantly sounded like something I’d never be able to do. But somehow and someway I managed to do it. When I first heard we were going to run one, my

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