
Injury/Illness In The EMS Workplace

Decent Essays

Injuries/Illness in the EMS workforce According to NAEMT “EMS practitioners are seven times more likely than the average worker to miss work as result of injury” (2017). As the size of patients’ increases, more stress is put on the providers who have to lift and move them, and an increase in lower back injuries has been the result. EMS workers treated in the emergency department for a work related injury or illness, the majority were men. Among men and women, over half of the injured/ill EMS workers were less than 35 years old. Strains and sprains among EMS workers were the most common injury/illness. Most injuries were to the lower and upper back. The majority of injuries/illnesses involved physical reactions and exertion. The physical reactions and efforts often caused from a single event which puts stress on some part of the body or from unnecessary physical exertion. The second most common event related to injuries and illnesses was exposures to hazardous substances such as possible infectious substances, like blood or vomit. The most common cause of injury or illness among EMS workers was directly related to the EMS worker themselves or the patient. …show more content…

Powered stretchers and stair chairs are an excellent way to move patients, but the added weight of the devices has caused other problems. When using powered transport tools, they must be married to a lifting system. Ramps and winches, powered lift gates, loading systems and no-lift cots are all necessities. We have to stop moving patients with a sheet drag. Responders cannot continue to poison their body with inflammatory foods, dehydrate themselves, consume high sugar and unnatural processed food products and expect to be in good health. The only way to really decrease injury is to have good mobility and flexibility, adequate job specific fitness and have access to the right

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