
Instructional Content Analysis

Decent Essays

Question #1 The concept of learning style refers to the notion that individuals differ in the manner in which they acquire knowledge and/or skills through structured instruction or teaching. This concept recommends that individuals should become aware of their most optimal or effective learning style and tailor instructional material to suit their instructional needs. According to Pashler, McDaniel, Rohrer & Bjork (2008), there three avenues or channels of communication that are used in learning and through which instructional materials and resources are presented to a learner. Pictures/images, speech/auditory, kinesthetic, and written words are modes through which instructional material is presented to students (Pashler et al., 2008). Individuals differ with respect to the mode they learn most effectively in, and they should strive to assess their strengths and weaknesses concerning different learning styles.
Question #2 …show more content…

Upon careful assessment and consideration, I have determined that I am an auditory learner. Sound helps accentuate and strengthen instructional content that is delivered through speech/auditory format. Voicing written instructional content helps me confirm the concept and notions conveyed to a more understandable format that my brain comprehends and recalls better. I believe delivering instructional content through speech or audio format helps fortify the intended message in the sense that tonal variations and emphasis help note important points and statements, which can be recalled easily (Rohrer & Pashler, 2012). An auditory learner prefers verbal instruction instead of written assignments or readings. Auditory learning requires sound and voicing of instructional content for better understanding and assimilation (Rohrer & Pashler,

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