
Intellectual Property Rights On Sino Us Economic And Trade Relations

Decent Essays

In the 1990s, the two countries have since undergone three intense intellectual property disputes, each to the brink of a trade war. Intellectual property issues in Sino-US economic and trade relations in the 1990s to become one of the major outstanding issues. With the signing of the Sino-US "memorandum of understanding on the protection of intellectual property rights" in 1992, and the signing of two bilateral intellectual property agreements in February 1995, and June 1996, China and the US intellectual property disputes have been eased.

China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), which greatly contributed to the development of Sino-US economic and trade relations. In 2003, China became the third largest trading partner of the …show more content…

International protection of the vital interests of the countries involved in the development of enterprises, and the relationship between national intellectual property rights. In the late 1980s, facing recession, the United States dropped its international competitiveness because its intellectual property rights could not be protected in the world, that its biggest competition in the economic resources and with the advantage of technology and invention, effective protection of intellectual property rights is critical to the US economy overseas.

Therefore, the US spared no effort to initiate the GATT Uruguay Round negotiations n 1986, and put intellectual property protection into the framework of the GATT, known as the "trade-related intellectual property rights." With the signing of 1994 "Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights" (TRIPs), the international multilateral mechanism to protect intellectual property and international trade - the WTO closely together. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed the "Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act" in the conduct of unfair trade retaliation 301 adds a "Special 301", and the intellectual property rights as an individual, do not protect US intellectual property or intellectual property rights hinder US companies to enter their national markets to investigate and impose trade sanctions. Thus, protection of intellectual property has

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