
Interaction and Meaning of Types of Communication Theories

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The famous quote, “there is nothing so practical as a good theory,” is one that resonates in many different and unique ways. Throughout the year in this Contemporary Human Communication course, we have learned upwards of thirteen (13) theories that have taught us a lot about the interaction and meaning of all types of communication. These prominent words from the quote above were said by Kurt Lewin, one of the founders of modern social psychology. He provided new ideas for understanding problematic situations involving anything related to interpersonal communication. In his writings, he pushed researchers into providing theorists with fey facts and information relevant to solving any practical problems. Generally speaking, he said theorists should strive to create theories that can be used to solve such social problems. The struggles that people face while communicating in everyday life are truly real and the theories that we read this semester really enlightened me into gaining further knowledge to understand some practices to better my understanding on the subject. Learning about theories such as, the Symbolic Interaction Theory, the Coordinated Management of Meaning, the Social Exchange Theory and the Uncertainty Reduction Theory, just to name a few, have helped me tremendously in my academic and professional career. Interacting during group projects, or group interviews, was hard before I learned about the underlying meanings through these theories. They taught me

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