
Interdependence In Nursing Clinic

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Interdependence is “characterized by trust, collaboration, willingness to help each other…and recognition that all contribute to a shared purpose” (Johnson, 2013, p.2). The staff at the clinic clearly embrace this value. The nursing supervisor steps in to assist staff on busy days or if a nurse is away, medical assistants support each other and the nurses and all are valued for the expertise they bring to client care. The clinic focus is always on meeting patient needs and improving service flow. Out clinic has an active advisory board that provides feedback on work flow and makes recommendations for services. An example of responding to the need for social support and expression is the creation of an open, free, twice weekly creative expression group where clients can have coffee and learn an art technique. Additionally, the clinic manager arranged for a twice yearly juried art show for clients at the HSC clinic and the CAP.
Performance Results and Process Improvement: …show more content…

Clinical practices are increasingly focused on QI strategies to improve population-based health outcomes and health-care systems” (Hoyle & Johnson, 2015, p. 15). Performance metrics that focus on patient outcomes, safety, and cost are identified and routinely monitored. Continuous quality improvement is embedded into the clinic and each provider team uses the PDSA framework. Refer to Appendix A. Work plan goals are developed , reviewed with staff, evaluated on a systematic basis, and are recorded in the performance narratives. Work teams are developed to address goals not met and changes are made as

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