
International Expansions Of Corporate Operations Through Mergers

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In This essay, I will be looking at how over the past 30 years the process of globalisation has been fuelled through international expansions of corporate operations through mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Corporate partnership or the creation of new ventures. This trend continues in the early decade of the 21st century, with emerging economies seen as leading the way through outward foreign direct investment. (Class notes)


For culture to exist there has to be a group of people (a membership), share a distinct way of life, have common values, attitude and behaviours, that are transmitted over time in a gradual yet dynamic process.
“a pattern of basic assumptions-invented, discovered or developed by a given …show more content…

To date there is no predominant consensus on the exact meaning of culture. As early as the 1950s Kluckhohn and Kroeber had already put together 164 definitions of culture from the English speaking cultures and condensed them into a comprehensive, well established and accepted definition of culture.

These days Culture is magnificently important due to the fact that an organisation’s performance will improve through better understating of this and it can straight away influence the condition and image which are related to both the everyday understanding of a members and the feature of the sector and society of which the organisation is a part (Parker M, 2000)

Motivation is something that can be considered to be comprised of someone’s level of hard work persistence and the directions which their efforts are turned towards (Brooks, 2003), It is really important that any organisation keep their staff motivated, which is not an easy task. The organisations that are able to keep their staff highly motivated, they are most likely to be able to achieve their goals and objectives(Mullin,2005). But then again it is important that workers within an organisation are able to motivate themselves through an understanding of their own needs.

There are two types of motivational 1. Intrinsic motivations, which therefore means that the self generated factors that will have a influence in employees paths in their direction, so that they

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