In This essay, I will be looking at how over the past 30 years the process of globalisation has been fuelled through international expansions of corporate operations through mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), Corporate partnership or the creation of new ventures. This trend continues in the early decade of the 21st century, with emerging economies seen as leading the way through outward foreign direct investment. (Class notes)
For culture to exist there has to be a group of people (a membership), share a distinct way of life, have common values, attitude and behaviours, that are transmitted over time in a gradual yet dynamic process.
“a pattern of basic assumptions-invented, discovered or developed by a given
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To date there is no predominant consensus on the exact meaning of culture. As early as the 1950s Kluckhohn and Kroeber had already put together 164 definitions of culture from the English speaking cultures and condensed them into a comprehensive, well established and accepted definition of culture.
These days Culture is magnificently important due to the fact that an organisation’s performance will improve through better understating of this and it can straight away influence the condition and image which are related to both the everyday understanding of a members and the feature of the sector and society of which the organisation is a part (Parker M, 2000)
Motivation is something that can be considered to be comprised of someone’s level of hard work persistence and the directions which their efforts are turned towards (Brooks, 2003), It is really important that any organisation keep their staff motivated, which is not an easy task. The organisations that are able to keep their staff highly motivated, they are most likely to be able to achieve their goals and objectives(Mullin,2005). But then again it is important that workers within an organisation are able to motivate themselves through an understanding of their own needs.
There are two types of motivational 1. Intrinsic motivations, which therefore means that the self generated factors that will have a influence in employees paths in their direction, so that they
Motivation is derived from an internal force that provides an individual the opportunity to achieve their needs or goals. People are motivated by a variety of things and often have different motivating factors. Employers should be mindful of individual motivating factors when attempting to motivate staff to increase performance. While some people may be motivated by money, many are motivated by things like: recognition, promotion, and increased responsibility. Once an employer has identified motivating factors they are able to analyze a variety of motivational theories to design and implement a program that will motivate employees to go above and beyond what is expected of them.
Culture: Culture refers to values, languages, symbols, norms, beliefs, expectations that members of a group possess and the good things they produce and use in their life. Culture is the thing that all the members of a group or society follow.
What is motivation? As manager’s, motivation is one of the most vital and crucial assets to possess in managing a business. This drive is a critical tool to use in the work place and determine the success or failure of an organization. Motivation is a driving force that initiates and directs behavior. In other words, motivation is an internal energy that drives an individual to do something in order to achieve a certain goal. Therefore, creating a motivating environment in the workplace will lead to happy employees. Creating a work environment like this, managers can expect low staff turnovers, improved productivity, happy customers, and better financial performance. Therefore, the input of motivation use towards employees determines the output efficiency of the company. However, everyone involved in an organization is motivated differently. Everybody has their own individual needs in regards to motivation. Depending on how motivated a person is, determines the effort that individual puts into the work and therefore, how productive they are.
Motivation originates from the word "move" and represents the reasons for people 's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation can be considered as the arousal, direction and maintenance of human behavior towards attaining some goal (Greenberg, J. and Baron, R.A. in Buelens et al., 2011).Motivating employees is vital if employers are willing to achieve maximum performance and productivity. The company shall attach great importance on its staff incentive system to enhance the loyalty and professional dedication of staff.
The success of any business depends on the productivity and satisfaction of its employees. Employees need to be motivated to work. Motivation can be defined as the inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal and organizational goals. Motivation can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. For an individual to be motivated in a work situation there must be a need, which the individual would have to perceive a possibility of satisfying through some reward. Intrinsic motivation stems from motivations that are inherent and arise from performing the task of the job itself, which the individual gets a feeling of either positive or negative motivation as a result of
People can search online for the definition of culture, they will find many definitions of the word culture. Accordingly to Culture (n.d.), culture is the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group. Another definition is the over-all ways of living built up by a group of individual and learned from each generation to generation(culture, n.d.). It is easy to conclude that culture is, in fact, a very broad word, which may cover a wide range of definition. Also, culture embraces the world. It is such a unique experience that one can hardly mistake culture, may refer to culture, vaguely knowing what culture is and also, being right with this interpretation. Culture is something that will always be used to
‘Motivation’ is derived from the Latin term ‘movere’ that means ‘to move’. Thus, motivation is a process that starts with a physiological or psychological deficiency or need that activates a behaviour or a drive that is aimed at a goal or incentive (Luthans). Broadly speaking, motivation is willingness to exert high levels of efforts towards organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts’ ability to satisfy some individual needs (Robbins). Need means some internal state that make certain outcomes appear attractive. An unsatisfied need creates tension that stimulates drives within the individual. These drives generate a search behaviour to find particular goals, that if attained,
What is motivation? Motivation is defined as “an individual’s willingness to respond to the organization’s requirements in short run.” (P.71 Dixon, 1998) For the purposes of this research paper, I find the most fitting definition of motivation is to define it as “the force that Energizes, Directs, and Sustains behavior.” (, 2014) Motivation is imperative to productivity. A highly motivated staff often leads to high productivity from the workforce.
What is culture? It is difficult to define culture. A characteristic usually included in definitions of culture is that it is "shared by people." Culture is also said to distinguish insiders from outsiders, those who are members of one cultural group from those who are not. This idea of culture leads to the following useful suppositions:
The term culture is described as ‘a verb’. However it is explained that culture is difficult to define as it can be associated in different ways by different people. Some people think of culture as a thing while others term it as a set of beliefs,
Defining culture has been a debate among sociologists and anthropologists since the 19th century. Culture is vital for the perseverance of a society and has its own identity that distinguishes it from others. Culture is not rooted into a person from birth, but it is learned from wherever he or she is from. It acts in a subconscious manner in that when a culture differs, one society may find another society to be odd. Every society has a different culture where the people share a specific language, gesture, belief, behavior, norms, sanctions and more. Language greatly influences how we see the world.
Staff spend a considerable part of their lives at work, so it is not surprising that they expect to be rewarded and satisfied with the job that they do.. Motivation is concerned with why people do things as well as what drives them to behave in a particular way. Understanding what motivates individuals is important in work place. Research suggests that motivated employees are happier at work. They get more satisfaction from their work, are absent less often, tend to be more loyal and work with enthusiasm. This encourages them to contribute more to the development of the organisation.
Motivation is causing someone to act in a certain way. In business, leaders want employees to act in a way that benefits the organization. Motivation is more than getting people to work for a paycheck. It is about inspiring someone to do their best. There are benefits to having employees who are motivated beyond the paycheck. “Motivated employees can make all the difference in a successful company” (Hull, 2013, para. 3). For example, motivated employees tend to work faster and are often are more creative in completing task saving the company money. Motivated employees are less likely to leave a company, reducing turn over which, also, save money and time in training. Motivated employees will often make better products and be more innovative which could lead to increased profits. Finally, motivated employees are happy employees. ( They talk positively about the company, products and their jobs. They also tend to be more productive members of society. Therefore, should take the time and effort to motivate employees.
Motivation in the work place has always been a problem for employers. It is a key element in keeping the employees driven to do good work or finish tasks on time. There are several methods of motivation that help employees stay with an organization. Motivation varies from person to person. Different methods of motivation drive people differently. Webster’s dictionary says motivation is something inside people that drives them to action. In other words it is the willingness to work at a level of effort. It is a day to day struggle for managers, supervisors, employers to keep its employees motivated not only finish the job at hand with perfection in mind but also to keep employees for as long as possible. “Motivation comes from
It is hard to have a single definition of the term culture. Different people have their understanding of culture. According to my understanding, culture can be defined as people 's way of life. This includes their values, customs, beliefs, languages as well as traditions. In general, the concept of culture is well reflected in the history of people, their heritage and how they express their ideas as well as their creativity. The culture of a particular group of people can be used to assess the quality of their life, their vitality and the health of that society. Through culture, people can develop their sense of belonging, their personal and cognitive growth and their ability to empathize and relate to one another (Smith, P. 2001, 25).