
WLP Assignment Brief sept 14 Essay

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ASSIGNMENT BRIEF Qualification Unit number, code and title Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma Business Unit 14, M/601/0908/, Working With and Leading People. Module Leader: Lecturers: Hakeem Kazeem , Mahbubur Rahman, Vedna Gavaloo Distribution date Submission deadline W/C – 22/09/2014 07/12/ 2014 Assignment title WLP: (1 of 3) Learning Outcome Learning outcome Assessment Criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Task no. Evidence (Page no) LO1 Be able to use recruitment, selection and retention procedures 1.1 Prepare documentation to select and recruit a new member of staff 1 1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the …show more content…

The staff retention rate has reduced. They are not being adapted to the particular demands of the situation, the particular requirements of the people involved and the particular challenges facing the organisation. The most effective leaders can move among these styles, adopting the one that meets the needs of the moment. Staff spend a considerable part of their lives at work, so it is not surprising that they expect to be rewarded and satisfied with the job that they do.. Motivation is concerned with why people do things as well as what drives them to behave in a particular way. Understanding what motivates individuals is important in work place. Research suggests that motivated employees are happier at work. They get more satisfaction from their work, are absent less often, tend to be more loyal and work with enthusiasm. This encourages them to contribute more to the development of the organisation. Managers do not use team meeting to solve problems, build good working relationships and review how the team is progressing against objectives. Managers do not involve the whole team in planning its development for the future and help staff to realise how much they can learn from one another. They do not use team appraisals to develop the skills and improve the performance of a team as a whole. At the moment the mangers are unable to assess the development needs of individuals. Needs assessments enable us to ground justification for development of a

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