
Interpreting Archaeology And Historical Texts Essay

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Methodology becomes crucial when interpreting archaeology and historical texts. If you take a minimalist approach, everything in the scriptures is false until proven otherwise. If you take the maximalist approach everything in the scriptures is true until proven false. Another difficulty is the tactic of interpreting ancient artifacts and documents with modern concepts, contemporary understandings of the past; this can elude to the composition of a narrative by the means of interpreting insufficient data. The approach of these shreds of evidence (artifacts or texts) pose difficulty when studying the Hebrew Scriptures but another concern is the methodology of interpreting language and archeology. The ancient Hebrew these texts were written in had no vowels, thus allowing multiple interpretations for some of the possible words if one is not familiar with the ancient dialects and phrases of Hebrew. In the beginnings of archaeology, archaeologists had very abrasive techniques and actually destroyed a lot of potential historical findings. The current excavation process is much more refined in order to preserve as much as possible but what has already been destroyed can never be recovered. Due to the methodological problems, one can encounter in analyzing Hebrew Scriptures, one must approach with caution when taking into account the historical authenticity found in archeology for the Patriarchs, Exodus, Joshua, David, and Solomon.
Most of the archaeological

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