
Introduction. Maureen Hawthorne Explains The Importance

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Introduction Maureen Hawthorne explains the importance of communication in her article, The importance of communication in sustaining hope at the end of life. (Hawthorn, 2015) In The Essence of Care, therapeutic communication only occurs if a, “meaningful process within which people convey thoughts, anxieties and emotions” has taken place. (Hawthorn, 2015) In this instance, the presence of communication of a patient and their feelings is vital. The role of the health professional should not be forgotten since, “if health professionals struggle to communicate effectively, patients may be left anguished and in despair.” (Hawthorn, 2015) To understand the method in which proper communication is achieved, an analysis of several ideas is …show more content…

(Hawthorn, 2015) When placed in negative situations, people have a tendency to believe or hope that the future will get better in order to adjust to it. This hope is essential in encouraging the person to put all their strength forward to bring forth positive change. Health care workers should keep in mind to make sure their patients remain

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