
Is Nepal a Successful Tourist Destintion?

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3.2.1 Is Nepal a successful tourist Destination?
The tour operators that were interviewed for this research project have described Nepal as a country with full of breathtaking views and mountains, scenery, wildlife conservations places such as the national parks and the cultural and religious diversity and friendly people. But, In Denmark, Nepal is not perceived as having all of the things mentioned above. Many Danes perceive Nepal as a backpacking destination, hard core trekking destination and a Himalayan kingdom. The diversity of culture, mix of religions, wildlife conservation areas and beautiful national parks, friendly Nepali people are still unknown to many Danes in Denmark. Although Nepal possesses many assets, in the Danish market, it is largely unknown, which is an opportunity as Danish market for traveling to Nepal is underdeveloped and tourism to Nepal can be increased from Denmark.
On the accessibility dimension, there are problems as all of the tour operators have said that this has been a big problem for them. There aren’t many airlines flying directly to Kathmandu and there is none at present flying directly from Copenhagen to Kathmandu. Recently, major airlines such as Turkish airlines and Qatar airlines have started flying to Kathmandu, which has been positive news for tourism industry. Tour operators in Denmark have said numerous times during the interview that flight connections has been a major problem to sell travel packages to Nepal. Table 8: Hotel

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