
Jeffery Katzenberg 's Influence On The Disney Animation Studios

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It is evident that Jeffery Katzenberg played a significant role in the Walt Disney Animation Studios during this time period. In his role as head of film, he expressed power in differing ways to accomplish different objectives. Throughout the documentary Katzenberg displays a transactional style of leadership. Leading from the top, early on, he attempted to cement his position of power highlighting his ability to deliver commands to the animators and control integral decisions (Bass, 1991). On his first project with the studio, The Black Cauldron, Katzenberg displays legitimate power when believes the film to be too violent and despite protests from the animators insists cuts and changes must be made to the film (Hahn, 2009). French and Raven (1959), define legitimate power as the right – due to status – to prescribe behaviour to others; in simpler terms, to tell someone what to do. The animators likened the actions of Katzenberg to “causing world war three” and thus a power struggle ensues. Robins and Judge (2008) theorise that situations in which there are low levels of trust and high levels of uncertainty within an organisation increase the likelihood of resistance from employees. This rang true in the Disney animation department as many of the animators showed resistance to Katzenberg’s leadership and authority refusing to make the changes he wanted (Hahn, 2009). In retaliation Katzenberg displays an instant of coercive power – defined by French and Raven (1959) as a

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