
Job Characteristics Model Is One Of A Job Design Models

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Literature Review Job characteristics model is one of a job design models. It refers to the relation of motivational mechanism to the job characteristics and organisation outcomes. Hackman and Oldham (1976) developed job characteristics model. The model leads to high motivation, high job satisfaction and low employee turnover, under the right circumstances of five dimensions. These are skill variety, task identify, task significance, autonomy and job feedback (McShane, Olekalns, & Travaglione, 2013, p. 185). The five dimensions impacts employee motivation and satisfaction through three critical psychological states: experienced meaningfulness, experienced responsibility and knowledge of results. Moreover, individual differences also influence job motivation, thus job design does not increase work motivation for employee in every condition (McShane, Olekalns, & Travaglione, 2013, p. 185). Additionally, job characteristics model may encourage positive attitudes and increase work productivity by enhancing jobs and the five dimensions (Bacha, 2014, p. 412). The five dimensions explain skill variety is the degree to which a job requires the exercise of a several number of various skills and talents. For example, a butcher who normally only cuts meat might be assigned the additional duties of stocking meat and rearranging shop displays. Whereas, task identify is the degree to which the job needs completion of work from start to finish with a visible outcome, such as a

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