
Judaism And Vegetarianism In Judaism

Decent Essays

Hope Budman Conlin Johnson HTM 421 9/19/17 Essay #1 In Judaism there are many important aspects of food for religious reasons. The main aspect, eating Kosher foods only. As well as, the many holidays celebrated there are certain foods we eat and certain foods we cannot eat. Some Jews have been eating Kosher for thousand of years because they follow “kashrut (the Torah’s dietary laws)” (Freeman). I am Jewish, but do not keep Kosher because I am reform; however, at the Temple I belong to, it is kept Kosher. Keeping Kosher is a choice and followed by many Orthodox Jews. What are Kosher foods? “According to the book of Genesis, vegetarianism was commanded by God as the ideal diet. However, in the course of the biblical narratives, this changed to include a variety of different animals” (Staff). Animals allowed to be eaten are, “any creature that both chews its cud and has split hooves…any fish that has both fins and scales...” (Staff). Along with the specific foods, you are not allowed to mix dairy with meat. That is why at my Temple, we have separate kitchens to keep everything Kosher. Going shopping in your grocery store you can noticeably see some Kosher products, like Kosher pickles and Kosher hot dogs. Like every religion there are specific foods you eat; however, there are times we are restricted from eating some foods. Starting with the first major holiday of the year according to the Jewish calendar is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. On this holiday

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