
Jumping Rope Advantages And Disadvantages

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Though it is an effective cardiovascular exercise in itself, jumping rope also provides additional fitness and athletic benefits, including improving your vertical jump. Along with improved coordination and power, jumping rope engages the same muscles that are activated during a vertical leap. If you are trying to add inches to your vertical movement, include jumping rope in your training.
Jumping rope helps your body acclimate to vertical movements. Most exercises propel you forward, with occasional backwards and side-to-side movements. Besides climbing stairs, jumping is the main movement that calls for you to work against gravity and travel vertically. Jumping rope, along with other exercises that include a jumping element, such as squat jumps and box jumps, helps to functionally strengthen your legs, core and upper body.
Jumping rope strengthens your jumping muscles, which …show more content…

Therefore, jump roping improves your eye, hand and feet coordination as well as your timing and balance. These three areas play a major role in both your daily life as well as your daily workout routine. For women, jump roping strengthens bone density, therefore, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and other debilitating bone diseases.
If you are new to jumping rope, start to incorporate it as your warm up before you workout by jumping at an easy pace for five to 10 minutes. As you build stamina, start to increase the duration of your jump rope workout, building up to 20 to 30 minutes. During your workout, you can practice intervals, where you jump at an easy pace for one minute followed by a sprint pace for one minute. Play with your feet for more variation. Try jumping on one foot, alternating feet, crisscrossing or jumping on your heels. The more challenge you create, the more benefits you will get from your

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