
Kayla Waterman Recommendation

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It is with great enthusiasm I recommend Kayla Waterman. She is a student who is making the most of her high school career. Kayla is a caring student who is truly inspired by life. Dedicated to helping others and consistently raising the bar, Kayla is a remarkable role model. With a strong concern for others, she lives by following a sound conviction to support others. Highly respected by peers and staff alike, she will be greatly missed, but is certain to achieve success beyond high school. Her skills, maturity, and outlook on life are a recipe for success.

We are all faced with challenges throughout life. Our ability to work through these challenges is many times a reflection of the person we are, and with Kayla, it is no different. Her commitment to making the best out of life’s unpredictable circumstances is seen in all areas of her life. During her sophomore year, two of her family members passed away, within weeks of each other. Undoubtedly, the loss impacted her ability to perform to her potential academically. She found it difficult to stay focused, and she felt the need to work harder than the people around her just to keep up. Kayla navigated thorough her feelings and didn’t let the sadness define who she is. She matured a great deal at this time and recognized not only the unpredictability of life but the importance of making …show more content…

It is certain that outside circumstances had an effect on her ability to perform to the level she is capable sophomore year. Her junior year and quarter grades are a much more accurate indication of her capabilities. She is not afraid of challenging herself. The manner, in which she was able to manage her academics while dealing with the tragic and sudden loss of family, is admirable. It is important to note through the rough times, Kayla never looked for the easy way or asked for any special considerations. She came to school and did her best each and every

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