
Key Learning Experience Essay

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1- What are key learnings that took place at your place of employment? I learnt critical key learnings in my workplace: taking initiative, being collaborative, communicating well, being decisive and problem-solve. I had to take initiative multiple times in my placement. For example, there was an outbreak of a flu virus and we were not allowed to make any large group activity gathering due to health concerns. I took some residents to the music room and I convinced hem to play along music with me. It was quite challenging for me at first to have conversations with elders. I learnt how to have good conversations with them as they like to talk about their family, their careers and their interests. They were also interested to know what myself which I found surprising. I collaborated with recreationists and I have learnt from them how to be a good team member. I have worked with a recreationist on decorating a spare room to be for music. She had painted the welcome board and I came up with ideas to reuse old vinyl records to match the environment. Sometimes, I had to take important decisions in my placement. One instance, a resident fell off their wheelchair. I decided not to help them up as it …show more content…

Sometimes, my supervisor will be in a meeting and the recreationists would be doing paperwork, I would do visits to residents who don’t participate in any activities. If the resident doesn’t talk much, I would read to them a short story or take them to the music room to listen to me play music. If the resident has a hearing issue, I would start a coloring or puzzle activity. I also learnt to be accommodative to any resident and start activities that will suit their abilities and that will help them maintain their independence. That accommodation will be very useful for any job I have if I meet someone with a disability as it will help me give them an equal opportunity and let them be

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