1- What are key learnings that took place at your place of employment? I learnt critical key learnings in my workplace: taking initiative, being collaborative, communicating well, being decisive and problem-solve. I had to take initiative multiple times in my placement. For example, there was an outbreak of a flu virus and we were not allowed to make any large group activity gathering due to health concerns. I took some residents to the music room and I convinced hem to play along music with me. It was quite challenging for me at first to have conversations with elders. I learnt how to have good conversations with them as they like to talk about their family, their careers and their interests. They were also interested to know what myself which I found surprising. I collaborated with recreationists and I have learnt from them how to be a good team member. I have worked with a recreationist on decorating a spare room to be for music. She had painted the welcome board and I came up with ideas to reuse old vinyl records to match the environment. Sometimes, I had to take important decisions in my placement. One instance, a resident fell off their wheelchair. I decided not to help them up as it …show more content…
Sometimes, my supervisor will be in a meeting and the recreationists would be doing paperwork, I would do visits to residents who don’t participate in any activities. If the resident doesn’t talk much, I would read to them a short story or take them to the music room to listen to me play music. If the resident has a hearing issue, I would start a coloring or puzzle activity. I also learnt to be accommodative to any resident and start activities that will suit their abilities and that will help them maintain their independence. That accommodation will be very useful for any job I have if I meet someone with a disability as it will help me give them an equal opportunity and let them be
Provide 5 key lessons or skills that you developed or further enhanced during your work term, and briefly describe.
The purpose of the assignment was to interview an “elder” member of society to gain valuable information and insight into an individual’s experiences and development, and how they pertain to biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial development. I had the pleasure of interviewing a woman aged 68, who provided a glimpse of the wisdom she has gained over her lifetime as well as her daily interactions and age-related topics.
The knowledge that I gained from my partners and their engaged learning trips was a great resource for viewing the issues around the nation and the world in multiple points of view. A few examples include the similarities between Bethlehem House and the methods that the black community used to adapt to the diverse issues that they faced. The Bethlehem House was a community shelter for people to live in for two years in order to help the poor manage their finances and find a job. The hopes of the house were to set the people on the right path in life, which includes helping the less fortunate people their expenses. The community aid that the Mosaic Templar emphasized on most was a section of Little Rock where the black people could use their skills from their times as slaves to start their own companies. For instance, most of the black people took on roles that included: barbers and a select few (especially in the area around Nashville, Tennessee) became very popular/ successful musicians. On the other hand, the experiences that my partners and I had were very similar to the readings that we had in class and will play an important role in the ways that I will engage in various communities that will arise in my future.
It is my job as a carer to then take responsibility to ensure that none of the residents are excluded in any way. We have care plans in place for each resident, that is updated regularly, this tells the carers how best to treat and care for the individual. One way the care plan can help participation within the community is by providing information on the activities the resident likes and dislikes, this is especially useful if the resident is unable to tell you themselves. Carers can then tackle any issues that may arise. For example, a male soldier may want to attend a war parade but he is unsteady on his feet and lacks a certain amount of understanding and cannot attend the parade on his own, as he would be unsafe to do so.
The conversation I had with my grandmother, validated that elders at time, just need someone to talk to. You can learn a whole lot from an older adult’s life experiences and learn to apply it to your overall life
During my time spent interacting with residents with physical and mental disabilities, I was able to gain a better understanding of what the resident experiences during everyday life. I was able to observe the everyday challenges of living with the different disabilities. I witnessed the profound effect that mental health has on the quality of life and the outlook on life for an individual. I hoped to observe positive treatment and individuals of the individuals staying there and I witnessed just that. I obtained a better understanding of the experiences and feelings of the residents living there. My knowledge of the mind/ body interaction was strengthened during my time spent volunteering.
The age group I prefer to work with is the elderly due to the fact that they are often forgotten of in our society. I favor possibly working at a nursing home facility over visiting a patients home since environments controlled and safe through organizations. Completing my service learning at a nursing home center confirmed this fact that I would be more comfortable having a consistent work place. Originally I feared my communication skills were inadequate to work a nursing home facility however, I excelled at conversing with resident at the
In previous years, I have been fortunate to be included in the ASO Professional Pathways program, and found it to be an amazing source of inspiration and career guidance. Exposure to educators and musicians of the highest standard has been empowering throughout my own musical journey; being able to reflect on personal stories and advice has vastly furthered my own learning. One example of how I have benefited from ASO learning, was a recognition throughout many sessions that there is no one way for an artist’s career to unfold, and this message has recently helped me maintain my musical goals. Although I found academic success at QCGU in the commencement of my degree this year, I recognised in myself a need to embrace learning without academic,
I had to understand the circumstances in which people were in and how interact with residents respectfully and compassionately which provided opportunities for personal growth by practicing integrity, justice and good stewardship. Though I was a bit hesitant, my experience has been very positive. Just being a volunteer without any related experience or skills, I was unqualified to help and many ways. The few menial tasks that I was able to do seemed to be met with much enthusiasm and appreciation. Simply helping someone to their seat bringing them a cup of tea or
Identify an experience where you had to assess the needs, interests, and goals of a patient with an ethnic background, different from yours, that resulted in a positive learning experience. How did you turn the situation into a positive learning experience? Did you personally have to deal with any stereotypical beliefs?
Summary of Key Learning Experiences (1 Paragraph) Last semester, I learned various skills on how to perform an effective interview session. Learning these skills throughout the lectures and by reading the textbook helped me understand how an interview may be structured and what kinds of questions or statements I should use in response. However, role-playing with clients each class has definitely helped me learn the skills in a more concrete way that forced me to demonstrate the skills in a counselling session. I think the in-class role-playing was the most effective and played the most important role in my learning experience.
Participations in small in-class groups which purpose was to accomplish a task assigned to us by our Professor, were the most powerful learning experiences for me. In developing common focus, as stated in Gitterman and Germain (2008), members need to establish group rules and also remember to “build on one another’s contributions, identify and focus on salient collective themes, invite expression of differences” (p. 174), as well as welcome opinions which are contradictory or different from the majority.
Many people in history, as well as my mentors, have influenced my personal learning philosophy about early childhood learning.
The wisdom, stories and experiences the elderly have to offer to anyone including those in my age range is remarkable. It should be shameful to not endure and embrace the knowledge spoken or unspoken from the elderly. The challenge I had in regards to this interview was not receiving the answers to so of the most intriguing questions that on the other hand must be the most personal from my interviewer. In addition, wrapping up and closing was much more challenging as the more we talked the more questions I generated out of curiosity from the interesting nature of most responses. I found myself wanting to keep talking and realized that I projected a one hour interview that turned into almost two-half hour
Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today.