
Labyrinth Of Suffering In The Book 'Looking For Alaska'

Decent Essays

The way out of the labyrinth of suffering
In the whole book “looking for Alaska” Alaska had just one question: “What is the way out of this labyrinth of suffering?” Her answer was “straight and fast”, but I think that is not really correct, because there are many different ways out of the maze. Some people think that they find the way with a religion. For example the Buddhism thinks that when you live without greed you can come into the nirvana and that is the way out of the maze of reincarnation/suffering, but I don´t believe in god or different gods. I don´t have a religion and so it is much more difficult for me to find the way out. But I´m sure, that for me life is not suffer. Now the question is: why is for me life not suffering? Did I

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