
Latino / A Income Based Statistics

Decent Essays

According to Gonzalez (2014), despite economic growth for households Nationally and in Colorado, Latino/a households in Colorado are still making approximately $17,542 less than the average median household income (pg. 5). Disparate economic differences for Latino/a Coloradans includes West Colfax, where the Latino/a community accounts for approximately 55% of the population, roughly 5109 persons, with 42% of Latino/a’s in West Colfax living in poverty (West Colfax, 2013).
Income-based statistics are provided by the Piton foundation as well as the Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy and Research Organization (CLLARO) who seek to provide accurate information which can be used to help improve the lives of low-income and Latino/a population. Inspection reveals that the Piton foundation Board of Directors consists of predominantly White, male men which raises the concern that their data is biased due to their privilege and that “for-profit and philanthropic solutions” masks benefitting privileged populations inside of helping low-income populations (Who we are, n.d., para. 2). The CLLARO’s board is representative of the client they seek to serve and thus bias does not extend to their work (Our Staff, n.d.).
Meyer, Castro-Schilo, and Aguilar-Gaxiola (2014) found that lower socioeconomic status resulted in higher fears about safety due to the necessity of living in neighborhoods with higher crime rates. Fear about the safety led to lower levels of activity and subsequently

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