
Lawn Care Service Research Paper

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Tips for Choosing a Lawn Care Service
Caring for your lawn is definitely a chore. Some people would rather hire a lawn care company to keep their lawns healthy. Firstly, you need to decide what you would like your lawn care service to do. The majority of companies offer mowing, aerating, fertilizing, small tree/shrub maintenance, as well as pest and weed control. The tips below can help you find the lawn care company in your area that will best suit your needs.
Ask What Services are Included in a Standard Program
Nearly all lawn care companies offer fertilization and surface feeding insect control as part of their standard lawn care programs; however, you may want to consider add-on services like grub, disease and weed control.
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Ask for references, look for recommendations and check with the Better Business Bureau for complaints.
Does the Company observe Best-Management-Practices?
Lawn companies have certain tricks-of-the-trade that influence the health and appearance of your lawn.
Ideally, choose a company that follows these practices:
Uses alternate mowing patterns from one visit to the next – this prevents ruts and compactions.
Correct mower height – each time the crew mows your lawn; they cut no more than 1/3 of the grass blades.
Crewmembers avoid damaging trees and shrubs by working cautiously around them.
Uses sharp mower blades – this prevents tearing and keeps grass tips from turning brown.
Are Licensing Requirements Met?
In the majority of states, lawn care companies are required to obtain certain regulatory permits. Furthermore, some states and local agencies require lawn care companies to obtain an Applicator’s License for landscape maintenance involving the use of pesticides. Find out if your state requires such a license. You can call your state’s Agricultural Department or Contractors’ Board to find out more information about the lawn care companies you are

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