
Leadership Styles And How They Influence Social Work

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Leadership Styles and How They Influence Social Work
Curtis E. Mitchell
Colombia College
Hums 345: Working with Communities & Organizations

Acquiring positions of authority comes with the added responsibility of making sure you are correctly and competently communicating the ideals set forth by your agency. Social workers and helpers who are in leadership positions have to understand the many facets involved in leading and guiding people. Leadership styles are often affected by cultural differences, as well as age gaps, such as we see between baby boomers versus Generation X or Millennials. Breakdowns in understanding the dynamics behind verbal and non-verbal communications can also have a significant negative impact. Given the …show more content…

“Leadership is accomplished through communication – what a leader actually says and does in interaction” (Galanes & Adams, 2013).. Modern society is continually changing, and leaders who are flexible, culturally sensitive, creative and display sound communication skills are crucial.
Cultural Sensitivity
Questions will often arise as to the effectiveness of varying leaderships styles and techniques used with differing cultures. Not all people will respond the same in certain circumstances, largely due to their cultural or ethnic sensitivities. “Evidence reflects that particular styles of and approaches to leadership may not be as successful with all cultural groups” (Aritz & Walker, 2014). Leaders working with either groups or individuals face many challenges today. It’s highly likely that most groups will be made up of individuals from across many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Leadership styles and techniques must be made inclusive of culturally sensitive issues and tendencies. Some people have been taught that being direct and straightforward is the most effective way to solve problems. Straight to the point with little or no deviations in order for all those involved to remain focused on the task at hand. While this may seem like a normal and most efficient approach for some, others may not be as comfortable and accepting. Some cultures may

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