
Leadership Theory : My Personal Leadership

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Leadership Theory: Before discussing and describing my personal leadership style and synthesize the course material of different leadership theory, I want to talk about the development of my personal leadership style. In order to develop my personal leadership, what I did for the first five week of class was journal and observe my weak area of leadership and then comparing it with theories, given approaches and situations to find ways to improve and develop my weakness. I always have had a problem breaking down issues into manageable pieces, I tend to focus on the whole issue rather than breaking down the issue into manageable pieces and sometime I get overwhelm with the problem. Analyze: I think this is because I am always in …show more content…

She mentioned no but she was also not happy about couple of other employees not stocking at throughout the day and she felt she was doing it all day by herself and she said it was only fair not to do stock at night. My ‘Weakness’ here was breaking down issue in manageable pieces and arranging a meeting with all the staff before asking the night shift individual so that employee don’t feel singled out. All staff would have been aware of the problem. Realizing this brought questions up on me in finding ‘Solution’ I ask myself if I want to change the status, I must first change myself and ways of handling issues. In order to change myself, I should change my view of the problem, I am good areas of technical skill as well as human skill but I must work on visualizing issues or as a whole and then break it into manageable pieces. The conceptual skill introduced in class included logical and creative planning skills, this helps managers to identify the causes of the problems, thinking about different potential solutions for the issue before deciding on one fast simple solution to problem, that way the solution to the problems is fixed more permanently and the outcome is efficient and effective at the same time followers will not feel single out. I should think critically about the subject at hand and analyze different ways that the action will affect my surrounding and their attitude toward my

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