
Learning Cues for Tennis

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I will be discussing the sport of tennis, the learning sequences, the skill techniques, learning cues, and teaching styles in that order. First that will be discussed is the learning sequences for the sport of tennis. According to Physical Education Activity Handbook, when you are first getting started with tennis, you need to introduce the scoring and tiebreaker procedures. Next, you need to explain the equipment used in tennis such as tennis balls and the racket. After that, the teacher should explain the rules and etiquette. It is best to introduce when directly related to skill or strategy being taught. Then, the skills and techniques should be taught. The skills and techniques that need to be taught are grips, strokes, the serve, …show more content…

The last portion of this stroke is the follow through. The learning cues for this stroke are ready position, racket face vertical, and follows through. The two-handed backhand uses basically the same aspects as the one-handed backhand. The only difference is the grip is obviously two handed and the backswing will look different because it is two-handed. The learning cues for this stroke are ready position, two handed, and follow through. Stroke number four is the forehand. For the forehand to be correct the player should be in the ready position. During the backswing, the player should turn the shoulders and the left shoulder should be faced towards the ball that is coming towards the player. The next portion of the forehand is that the player step with the left foot and that the racket and knees drop down together. The player must then make impact with the ball with the racket face vertical. Last, the player must follow through. The learning cues for the forehand are ready position, shoulder position, step, and follow through. Another stroke that must be taught is the lob. It is said that the lob should look very similar to the forehand and backhand strokes. Making it look like those strokes the player wants to lift the ball high into the air and aiming towards the opponent’s baseline. The learning cues for the lob are ready position, forehand/backhand, lift, and aim. The

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