
Learning Plan To Achieve My BA And Criminal Justice

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Learning Plan
Having a good learning plan will help me be successful and have a balanced life to help me achieve my BA and Criminal Justice. Why is it important to have a learning plan? Having a learning plan can benefit you in many ways such as guiding you to reach your goals and motivating you towards positive development. The outcome of having a learning plan is very satisfying. A learning plan helps me understand what my goals are and how I can reach them.

Learning plan First, what is a learning plan? According to Wiki, a learning plan is “a document (possibly an interactive or on-line document) that is used to plan learning, usually over an extended period of time.” A learning plan is something you outline for yourself to reach certain …show more content…

It is a significant part in being successful. I like to keep myself well-disciplined, especially when it comes to school. If I make it school a priority, then it must be kept that way. It is easy to build the habit of pushing your work back and telling yourself, “I’ll do it later” or “I’ll do it in 5 minutes,” but practicing self-control will help prevent such habits. If I did not have self-control, I would not have been able to make it this far.
I am a very motivated person and always try to go the extra mile because I like the feeling you get at the end of the day. I look back at how much I have done and how far I have reached and become filled with positive energy for the accomplishments I have achieved. Having motivation will drive me to become successful in the things I want to achieve. To keep myself motivated, I like to work ahead, ask questions, and find the right setting to work in.
Working ahead can be very difficult for people to do, but at the same time, I believe it is the best way to stay motivated and manage life with less stress. Working ahead does not mean you want to rush everything; working ahead means you are keeping track of yourself and your daily tasks. I like working ahead because I can be a one or two ahead and if I make a mistake or want to make changes, I can always do it without too much …show more content…

An example is during the time I dealt with depression in my teen years. It took me a while to overcome it. Thinking about the positives in my life has brought me to a more balanced life. I am able to balance the good and the bad and can control how I want them to impact me; I choose to look at things positively.
Being open-minded is probably of the hardest things for most people, growing up in a big family and going to school full of different students has taught me to become more open minded. This has helped me balance a lot of things in my life; I believe being opened-minded can help lessen my stress. This has helped me understand other people’s point of view and learn from them as well.

In conclusion from the things I have mentioned, I believe that all my effort will make a difference in this course and in my learning. A learning plan is not easy to make or structure, but having one is always handy. Over time my learning plan may change for the better or change because of the course. Now that I have my learning plan, it will help me be successful and develop how to have a balanced life to help me achieve my BA in Criminal

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