
Learning Style Evaluation

Satisfactory Essays

Everyone is unique in the way that they process information, and because of this there are different learning styles.1 The three main types of learning styles are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.1 It is important for people to be aware of their learning style, so they will be able to maximize their brainpower.1 It is also possible to utilize multiple learning styles, which can help to enhance one’s memory, learning, and recall abilities.1 Before taking the learning style test I had never given much thought to what my learning style was. After completing the learning style test I discovered that I am a visual learner, and learn best by seeing information or reading materials. My results revealed that I scored an 11 for visual learning, 3 for …show more content…

I often have to read something several times before I can memorize or learn new information. Graphs, diagrams, pictures, and charts also are very helpful when I am trying to grasp a new concept. I am most successful at learning when I read information and then summarize it in writing, which one of the only ways that I study. I do not find it helpful to study in groups, and I need a very quiet environment to be able to concentrate and focus. This test caused me to evaluate my learning style, and really think about how I am most successful at memorizing, grasping, and recalling new information. Now that I am aware of my learning style I can continue to focus on techniques that are most efficient for my brain and the way it functions.
The other test we were asked to take was the D.O.P.E. test, and the purpose was to evaluate our personality.2 This test reveals whether your personality is considered a dove, owl, peacock, or eagle based of the adjectives you have chosen to describe yourself.2 It is important to be aware of your personality, and how you tend to act in certain situations, because it can be very helpful when working and interacting with other people. Different personalities can contribute unique qualities to a team, so it is important to embrace the strengths and weaknesses of your

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