
Legal History And Reason For Placement

Decent Essays

Legal History and Reason for Placement:

The DeJesus/Bernadeau family has a previous history with the Department dating back to 1986. There were 51A’s filed in March 1986, December 1993, February 1994, March 1997, and three reports in July 2002. In July 2002 Abner Bernadeau, Stephanie Guzman DeJesus, and Michael Guzman DeJesus were removed from their mother’s care after an Emergency Care and protection order was filed. It was reported that two year old Stephanie was found wandering the streets of Cambridge with a rope tied around her ankle and her two year old Michael was found at home tied to his crib. The three children were returned to their mother’s care a year and seven months later.

The DeJesus/Bernadeau family became …show more content…

DCF Placement History:

During Stephanie 's first removal, from July 2002 until April 2004, she was placed, along with her siblings, in a Departmental foster home. In May 2010, Stephanie was removed from her mother 's care again and placed in a Departmental foster home.

Stephanie was then placed with his maternal aunt, as was her twin brother, Michael. Her aunt Maritza expressed interest in becoming the guardian of Stephanie. The Department developed concerns regarding her ability to care for Stephanie. The maternal aunt (foster parent) struggled with sending Stephanie to school on a regular basis, she did not make herself available for all home visits, missed medical appointments, and she was struggling with her own possible mental health issues and illness. She agreed with DCF that she was not able to care for the children and needed to take care of herself. In September 2012, Stephanie was placed at her current foster placement and has remained at the same placement.

Current Placement:

Stephanie is at an IFC foster home through Dare Family Services and has been at the same placement since 2012. The foster parent 's report Stephanie is doing well and the placement is meeting all her needs.

Permanent Plan Goal:

On November 30, 2010 the Department held a Permanency Planning Conference (PPC) and changed Stephanie 's goal to Permanency through Guardianship. The Department worked with

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