
Lemurs Go Away Analysis

Decent Essays

Hola Diana, sorry for the delay but my health problems sometimes take over and ruin the full week. My little frog disappeared for 2 days but was there again on Tuesday afternoon, I feared a crow or fox might have taken it. I don't suppose it will stay there much longer, there can't be a lot of food for it in a 2 gallon (9 litre) bucket. David Attenborough is still working, he has been recording a new series which will be on English TV this autumn (fall), so that's one to look forward to. Spring watch will be on at the end of May, with Chris Packham. for now though, Chelsea flower show has just started, so I will watch that later. The loris you was talking about hopping sideways, that's how lemurs move about quickly on the ground. Have you seen …show more content…

It is amazing how albatross find their mates among so many others, but then again I suppose human beings all look the same to them. Other birds do the same, like emperor penguins, they don't see each other for 6 months and walk miles over ice to find each other. Cormorants are another and there can be 100,000 birds on a cliff. I've noticed that a lot fish eating birds show intelligence like that. I'll post this. That expression, "sick as a chocolate frog", I heard that when I was about 18, I suppose it's the opposites thing, most people over here cringe at the thought of eating something like a frog, so as in chocolate biscuits or chocolate raisons, think chocolate frog, not nice. I was looking at the photos of the birds nesting near you, and I don't think I've seen them before. Those birds that catch the foxbats/fruitbats , I've seen that show and I think they were eagles but I don't know which eagles. Enjoy the rest of the week, I'll try to e-mail you something this week, speak soon

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