Have you found yourself becoming a little overweight or are suffering from health problems. If this is the case then I think it is time to start consuming less sugar. Many doctors have been advising individuals to take care in relation to what they eat. Due to the lifestyles that we are living, many of us are known to eat more food that is high in sugar, fat and oil. Due to this reason, the world population is going through a health crisis where children as young as fourteen are having heart problems. For this reason it is a good idea to start reducing your sugar. The benefits of this reduction of sugar in your diet are endless. For starters it will ensure that you are able to live longer. Medical research has shown that consuming less sugar …show more content…
There are many articles and E-Books available online regarding this topic. If you walk into your local GP, there is a good chance of you finding a leaflet on consuming less sugar and why one should start immediately. If you do decide to go ahead and buy an information booklet, there are a few things that you want to keep in mind. Whatever information booklet that you decide to buy on consuming less sugar, make sure that it is from a reliable source. There are many online websites that are offering information booklets that have been written by individuals that have no knowledge on the subject themselves. Selling such books is just seen as a quick way to make money …show more content…
One of the main benefits that you receive is the fact that you maintain a healthy digestive system. If your colon is exposed to constant sugar, this is known to cause your intestines to expand which in results stores more food as fat. The theory has been around for quite some time now, however many people have not given it much consideration. Seeing that we are now faced with serious health problems on a world wide scale, more people are considering reducing sugar intake. As a result the campaign for consuming less sugar has received a lot more
A plethora of people have different opinions on if sugar is good or bad for you. In the article “Is sugar bad? Why I say NO!”, the speaker exclaims, “I think sugar is essential to health”. Each and every person has different experiences and opinions. A number of people might not care about their health or do not watch what they eat so this article does not apply to them. Konie, the speaker cut out all sugar and did not feel well at all. That indicates that sugar effects everyone differently.
Down the road, added sugar has increased health complications tenfold. According to Quanhe Yang, from the Center of Disease and Control, “ 'death resulting from cardiovascular disease increases exponentially from added sugar consumption.' ”(Hellmich) Atherosclerosis, the most common cause of cardiovascular disease, is caused by correctable problems such as
The primary goal of my behavior change project was not to eliminate my sugar intake entirely, but to cut back on the amount of sugar that I consumed per day to a healthier amount. Before this project, I was consuming 1-2 twelve packs of soda per week. Each soda can contains 48g of sugar…that’s 576-1,152g of sugar! According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount of added sugars you should eat in a day are (7): Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons). Women: 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons).This is a six week project, in which each week I will decrease my sugar intake, until I reach zero grams of sugar per day.
There are many disadvantages of eating or drinking things with sugar in it. Consuming too much can sometimes lead to Type 2 Diabetes or sometimes help cancer form in organs. It also makes teeth weak. Now a days there are drinks such as Gatorade, Propel, Soda that contain added sugar in them. Also there is too much food that have added sugar in today 's world. Many people don 't see the down side of sugar. This paper will inform more people about how harmful sugar can be.
Why do we need to limit the sugar. Added Sugar has an effect where to much sugar can cause heath problems. I support the regulation of sugar if it is part of sugar if it is part of a comprehensive effort to improve the diet of Americans. Sugar carry’s diseases. In The Toxic Truth about Sugar, economic development means that the populations of low- and middle, 80% of deaths attributable to them occur in these countries. may loses the population because of the sugar effect. Due to the effect of the sugar, sugar may give the people disease. The amount of added sugar can cause heath problem or other side effect, so we should watch
RESEARCH: ELIMINATING ADDED SUGARS 2Research: Added Sugars, Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease The ideology behind the intake of added sugars to one’s diet can cause the effect of increased risk for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease is a controversial topic. While there is extensive research and theories by many researchers in the scientific community to support the adverse effects of added sugars to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, at the same time, there are not many randomized, controlled trials to prove the researchers’ theories
They are correct to an extent. Most Americans consume the processed chemical filled sugar, which does not help benefit our body for the better. If you eat the chemical filled sugar, it would be a good idea to cut that kind of sugar out. “Too much sugar does not just make us fat; it can also make us sick” (Richards). Chemical sugar has been found to affect your mental health. For example, when i eat too much of the chemical filled sugar such as candy bars or ice cream, it’ll give me energy for a little while, then i suddenly stop having that energy, and am tired and weak. When pure sugar doesn’t have a time limit of when you run out of energy. When I eat fruits or cane sugar i have energy all day, and helps my brain focus and think
If the world is an engine, sugar is the oil. Everything has sugar, from sodas to fruit. But what if the sugar overload is hurting your body? It's a very controversial topic, but well-researched. Some say it has no long-term effects, but others beg to differ that it can lead to cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes. Sugar has been fueling our lives for so long, so why is it just now gaining so much attention?
As we hear of more studies exclaiming alarming findings of negative health concerns related to obesity and our continuously growing percentage of obesity in our country, particularly childhood obesity, sugar is in the spotlight. We often hear of dieticians and weight loss experts warning us that we
Second, free sugar contains fructose which is of little or no value to the body. Fructose is the main reason there has been a lot of outcry about sugar. It is processed by the liver and may interfere with processing of other fats leading to weight gain and
Attention: Are you a sugarholic? Do you eat refined sugar everyday? Can you go more than one day without eating some type of sugar containing food? Have you ever hidden candy in your home in an effort not to share them with anyone? If you have you are not alone; I am guilty of my own questions. Sugar addiction is the most prevalent, widely practiced and legally accepted addiction in our society. Through my research I have found several books written on the sugar addiction
Before I could focus on the sugar regulation, I first need to learn more about sugar and how sugar affects public health. I started by reading a scholarly article “Dangerous Sweet: The True Impacts of Sugar on Your Health,” from Rodale News, to give me a basic understanding of this problem. The author Isaac Eliaz, MD is an integrative medicine expert and the founder of the
Purpose Statement: To inform my audience of the effect sugar has on the human body.
Sugar is linked to obesity. Obesity is a cause of diabetes. Therefore some people believe sugar is not the cause of diabetes, obesity is. ¨However sugar primes the body for obesity which cause diabetes.¨according to webmd.com. A study in prev.com shows,¨One study found that for every extra 150 calories from sugar available per person each day, diabetes prevalence rises by 1.1%.¨ For example eating too much sugar can cause obesity, when obesity occurs, there is a large chance for diabetes. Sugar does not cause diabetes but it is a leading
Other reasons why sugar is bad for you is that sugar is bad for your teeth, it makes you fat if you consume it in large amounts quite often, it also has a very addictive effect on your brain, and there are no nutrients in