
Limitations Of Airbnb

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Introduction Airbnb, as a sharing economy, is a popular website platform which will offer a variety of travelling information. The appearance of sharing economy is imperceptibly affecting customer consumption thoughts. A new method of lifestyle is pursued by a lot of young people who oriented target market. However, Airbnb,an amazing trend sweeping after the Western countries, but unexpectedly it was forced to stop its step by one country -that is, China ( 2017) This report is going to expound the development of the domestic situation and limitation of Airbnb and significant influence to traditional hotel industry in China. The Definitions of Sharing Economic and Airbnb
The sharing of the economy is a new economic model which based on doing business with strangers temporary and obtaining a certain profit through the Internet by right to use goods for the primary purpose.(, 2017) However, it involves three main areas, the demander and supplier on side of goods or services and sharing economic platform.

(Source, 2017)

Airbnb, as the most typical model in modern society all over the world. It is an online platform and hospitality service, enabling people to lease or rent short-term lodging including vacation rentals, apartment rentals, homestays, hostel beds, or …show more content…

From supply point of view, Airbnb can be used to increase the number of idle houses Extra income and can make new friends from all over the world. There is no doubt that this sharing economic type is benefit supplier and consumer which is host and guest. Due to convenient method of employ and approximate to zero cost margin for host; at the same time, the most guests can get their ideal living experience and lower expenditure compared to hote. Airbnb is the process of fasting grow speed and get more popularity. (Ryerson

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