
Local Problems And Development Of Preventive Strategies

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The aim of the community police is to accompany the work related to communities closely, participate in the identification of local problems and the development of preventive strategies applicable to each specific situation. When these strategies are followed the community becomes an additional mechanism of control of services provided by the police. In addition to the conventional mechanisms of control, performed inside the police departments, in community policing also becomes important for the transparency of police work and the “openness” of the corporation to observers from outside (Jackson, Sparks, Davidson & Fleming, 2013).
In the years 1960 and 1970 the police occupied the center of academic studies on the production of public …show more content…

The importance of research on the police was felt when checked the factors that contributed to the institution 's reform initiatives in various parts of the world. The countries that first bothered to develop studies on police activity were the pioneers in the process of reformulating its ideals and strategies, and are today well in advanced form. The studies were focused to create a police force committed that is efficient in the preservation of peace and guarantees the protection of individual and collective rights. One of the assumption or essential requirements of the police legitimacy is pointed out as a way to allow the quality of the services provided by “law enforcement”. The complementary to the legal authorization for the restrained use of force and accountability of police officer is appreciated and guaranteed in democratic States (Prenzler & Porter, 2015).
In many countries the efforts to obtain a more in-depth understanding about the police agencies, its members and its routine work was triggered only in the 1990 (Cordner, 2014).Unlike in United States, where police reforms were proposed at the same time to research on issues related to public security encompassing the detailed analysis of the aspects of police work. It was thought that the subject would begin to be studied significantly after the initiatives of change. The reformulation of ideas, philosophy and organization of police strategies in other countries, through the

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