As a DSC student, I give my word that this work is my own and that I have neither given nor received unauthorized help. __X__ I agree Caleb Thompson STEP 1: 1. A longevity hotspot where more people live long and healthy lives in their community. 2. The five areas are: a. Okinawa, Japan i. Some of Okinawa’s secrets, are their importance of life (life of purpose), and their healthy tofu. Their tofu is high in protein, low in fat, has many minerals, and contains phytoestrogens (which are proven to lower the risk of getting heart diseases). b. Loma Linda, California i. Loma Linda is a blue zone, because of the religion in this location. They observe the Sabbath and enjoy 24 hours stress free, and they also do not drink or smoke (these two …show more content…
The second concept is to know your meaning and purpose in life. A good example of this would be religion. I personally am a Christian, and I believe that a Christian’s purpose “is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him forever.” (Larger Catechism) Furthermore, the website suggested that we find out our likes and gifts in our lives, and incorporate them into your life’s meaning. Another example would be that I play the piano. I have been playing the piano for 11 years, and I plan to use that in my life whether I get a degree in music or not. c. The third concept is to “Down Shift.” This basically means that you should find ways to relieve your stress, since they can lead to diseases or complications in life. Each blue zone has their own way of relaxing, but what those activities are don’t matter. It’s the concept that you are doing something that is relaxing. If you enjoy walking on the beach to relieve stress, then walk on the beach when you get the chance. Just do something that makes you feel at ease and isn’t …show more content…
Buettner states that changing the environment and getting political views to help promote lifestyle change is a good solution. Contrary to people going to gyms and paying for diets that don’t benefit them. 5. Buettner believes that doing several things can help with obesity. For example, don’t just focus on diets. You should diet and exercise to try and lose weight. There isn’t just one magic solution basically. STEP 5: 1. Environment. In environment, you could make more sidewalks or places to travel by foot. That way, you’re not relying on your car to go 2 miles away from home. Instead, try being active. 2. Volunteer. Find opportunities in your local community to gather together and help your environment. There will always be trash and litter to pick up. 3. Workplace. Businesses are now trying to promote healthier lifestyles at their workplace. They are also looking to try and help employees make better lifestyle choices and become stress free. 4. Easy. Try and make it easier for people to make the right decision. Maybe have local health food stores or sell local farm grown vegetables and fruits. 5. Social. Try and get together with people in your community. It’s good to find people to spend time with and enjoy healthy lifestyle
The Ultimate Fit or fat book by Covert Bailey has been the most beneficial piece of writing that has helped me to understand fitness and the effects it has on each individual. I have learned so much more by reading this book than by simply typing in “How to lose weight” in the google search bar. A majority of online pieces of writings and products they advertise on TV that are supposed to help you lose weight are all about dieting. The most important fact I learned while reading Covert Baileys book, is that dieting doesn’t fix the problem. It can help for a little while, but it doesn’t get to the root of the problem and correct it. In The Ultimate Fit or Fat book Bailey says, “The control mechanism for obesity is not diet, its muscle metabolism… Fat people who are constantly dieting should worry less about how to lose weight. Instead they should ask themselves, why do I gain weight” (Bailey). Dieting is not the answer. A mixture of eating healthier, exercising, and having a good mind set is what will end with a lifelong success.
What does it mean to live a life of meaning and purpose? We have examined this question through at least five different authors, in different time periods, and through different ideas. However, the common idea has remained the same, have faith in God. For a human to live a life of meaning and purpose he must understand the truths of the natural world and the differences between what is good and evil. Jesus set an example for humans in his stories written by Matthew by displaying the ultimate faith in God and showing what they faith can do onto the people. Even when that faith is tested when Jesus is summoned to be put to death, he believes our God will not leave him on that cross forever. By spreading the word of the lord and by practicing his teachings religiously his entire life, Jesus has faith that this is not the ultimate end and that there is a better life with God.
A person must find their meaning of life to engage their own individual human spirit.
I confirm that this is my own work and that I have complied with University Assessment Regulations.
Minimise the use of automobiles, instead use walking, cycling and public transits as modes of transportation.
Encourage to community to plant and farm their own organic and fresh fruits and vegetables.
As a DSC student, I give my word that this work is my own and that I have neither given nor received unauthorized help and that I have not copied and pasted information from my resources.
This study began with a database search to locate all the current and relevant articles about workplace-based health promotion. A total of nine articles from the last ten years have been assessed for relevance for the study.
Health and wellness in the workplace is crucial to business success. Increasingly, it is recognized that the workplace itself has a powerful affect on people’s health. When people are satisfied with their job, they are more productive and tend to be healthier. When employees feel that the environment at work is negative, they feel stressed. Stress has a large impact on employee mental and physical health, and in turn, on productivity. Companies that promote healthy lifestyle habits for employees to improve their health, often take the success of the company to heart and are likely to be absent less often for health related reasons.
Take a break from your normal routine - Change certain things you do on a daily basis. Try exploring your interests. Join gyms, dance classes, art clubs, or take guitar lessons. Focus on the positive things. Going out and discovering new interest, hobbies and doing things with your friends will freshen your mind and boost you up with positivity. If not all these, simple things like going on a walk all by yourself or cycling to find the next town will help your body and mind to strengthen itself in a
Although exercising is good for combating obesity, making good eating choices can help combat obesity. In addition to watching calories intake, there are several ways eating healthy can be beneficial to combating obesity. For example, eating breakfast daily can provide us with energy to burn the calories that we will intake throughout the day. Eating smaller, low calorie meals throughout the day can combat obesity; instead of eating three really large meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Avoiding drinks that are high in sugar and calories, such as juice and soda can aid in combating obesity. Finally, eating smaller portions can help ward off obesity. By making these few changes in their diet, one can be on the road to eating healthier and
You can call it Workplace Wellness, Corporate Wellness, or Workplace Health but whatever you call it, it’s pretty much the same thing. The workplace has some type of program set up to promote healthy lifestyle choices. It promotes healthy behavior and healthy outcomes. The programs offered can range from smoking cessation to full out wellness centers composed of gyms, exercise classes in addition to wellness coaching related to weight management, on-site fitness programs, health-related benefits, and mental well-being. Some workplaces offer incentives for being an active part of their health programs.
In Okinawa, they enjoy being active and being outdoors in the sunshine, gardening and enjoying the company of their “moai (circle of friends). Having a good attitude and what they like to call the “ikigai”, which is what they say, gives them a purpose in life and what helps them get up every day. They also believe in eating a plant-based diet, the consume a lot of tofu and rarely eat fish. What I found very interesting that they eat more sweet potatoes, and they consume the spice, turmeric, which has been linked to healthier hearts (Buettner, 2008.)
That time, my dream is to become an artist. But, when i failed in my school grade, i realize that an artist is not my dream and not the purpose of my personal lives. And i know that i want to become a chef while i cook. And i know that i love to look at people when eat my food that i made with smile on their face. I know i will obviously catch my dream. So knowledge is important for me, the knowledge of culinary is the most important to help starting catch my dream. But as i know, the meaning of my live and the purpose of my lives is different. Based on my real life situation, the meaning of lives is to do our task until we are done. So if we want to finish our task, there must be a purpose; and my purpose is to become a chef. Thats the different. But knowledge cant be see from the grades and score in our school. Because knowledge is the “knowledge” that we learn from ourselves, and other
A wellness program outlines the necessary tools and skills to maintain a healthier work environment through the use of rewards, incentives, gym membership discounts, wellness apps, company health focused newsletters, and goal oriented wellness initiatives. Successful wellness programs have the participation of the employees within the company and offer incentives that make the achievement of healthier goals attainable for all participants. Companies that encourage wellness programs will improve the employee’s health, reduce stress, improve overall morale, and enhance self-esteem. The wellness program would include counseling for mental health, reducing stress, and help with substance abuse through the EAP program. Drug testing would be required for all employees, and a substance abuse free workplace would be enforced to protect the safety of the company and its employees (Mondy and Martocchio).