
Lymphosarcoma in Horses Essay

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Animal Diseases, Pathology and Immunology Research Project Lymphosarcoma in Horses

Horses typically do not get cancer. When they do it is generally Lymphosarcoma and, unfortunately, it is usually lethal. Cancer generally strikes anywhere from 4-10 years of age. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells that develop in to masses, or tumors. These tumors can hide anywhere on such a large animal. There are four typical types of lymphosarcoma in the horse. They are generalized (multi-centric), intestinal, mediastinal and cutaneous.

The generalized form is most common. Tumors may be found throughout the entire lymph node system including internal and multiple peripheral nodes. The most common locations include between the jaw, …show more content…

Looking for why it’s the best form if your horse is going ot get cancer. Is it the most treatable with the best outcome? You just remove the lumps?

DIAGNOSIS: Unfortunately in a horse, the best way to find this lymphosarcoma is by ruling out forms of cancer. CBC and serum chemistries are generally not helpful nor definitive. Cancer should be suspected if there is anemia, hyperfibrinogenaemia, hyperproteinaemia, and hypoalbuminaemia without any other clear definition of any infectious disease. Biopsies can be performed, however this can sometimes introduce tumor cells into the blood stream which can spread the cancer. Fine needle aspirates may be done on surface or even cutaneous masses.

Q Fever

Q Fever, or Coxiella burnetti is most frequently found in ruminates such as cattle, sheep and goats. Unfortunately it has also been found in wildlife and pets. Sheep are the most frequently infected, followed by goats and lastly cattle. Ticks carry the disease, but are of minor importance in the transmission of the disease to people and animals.

Coxiella burnetti is shed in the feces, milk and urine of the infected animals. The highest incidence of infections comes from the vaginal secretions and uterine fluids of infected ewes and does so during the birthing process. It is shed for days or even weeks. There are very few symptoms of Q Fever, abortion being the main commonality.

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